Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] when [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gedge later became much more clandestine and unpretentious when asked about the lyrical content of his songs .
2 Before any submicroscopic helical structures ( such as molecules , microtubules , flagella and viruses ) were known , H. R. Crane , whom I mentioned earlier , said ‘ … any structure that is straight or rod-like when seen at low magnification is probably a structure repeating along a screw axis ( ie , it is a helix ) .
3 This helped to alleviate the dreadful nature of the houses , which looked shocking from nearby , but which looked oddly bright and distinct and well-intentioned when glorified by mass and distance .
4 The brief introduction to Piaget 's ideas in Chapter 2 , and our realization that as adult readers we can not read , say , an Ordnance Survey map , a machine drawing , or art forms from cultures not our own with anything like total understanding , should cause us to be cautious and questioning when presented with these assumptions .
5 Observers have commented that he is less tolerant and sympathetic when dealing with them than with other colleagues or outsiders .
6 Dealing with customers also taught me that not every situation is the same and I had to think fast and wise when faced with a problem .
7 By means of technical methods known as single , double , and triple tonguing extremely rapid but clear staccato production is obtainable , which is most sure and effective when used for the rapid reiteration of a single note , e.g. :
8 Although at first sight the answers to them seem obvious , they become much more complex and contestable when subjected to closer examination , and they have never been systematically brought together , or the questions definitively resolved .
9 Q2 's rig is powerful and generous when measured against displacement and length .
10 For example , on one occasion a youth was caught urinating in the street late at might , and was very respectful and deferential when caught in the act , but , upon the policeman recalling that he had recently been one of a group which had shouted abuse at him , an act expected from gougers , he was arrested , and the incident was treated as a case of indecent exposure .
11 For example , the OALD is a learner 's dictionary , and it employs a style that seems almost informal or colloquial when compared to the comprehensive , encyclopaedic style of the OED .
12 It would , for example , be no defence for the seller to say that his farm fertiliser was perfectly safe and effective when applied in the right concentration ( at the right time of the year ) if the instructions supplied with the fertiliser stated in error the wrong concentration , whether too weak to be effective or so strong as to kill the crops .
13 Thirdly , such theories can easily become unwieldy and inefficient when applied to larger domains [ Bookman , 1987 ] .
14 Although very nervous , he was open and defenceless when dealing with others in any teaching situation ; others could not but be moved by his total belief and desire to communicate .
15 I was somewhat less impressed by Demidenko in the smaller-scale pieces : his Rejoice beloved Christians sounds slow and bland when compared to the super-human wizardry of Frederic Chiu on his stunning début recital of transcriptions for Harmonia Mundi , ( — a ‘ must ’ for all Busonians ) whilst the slower chorales on the Hyperion disc are given the visionary touch on MK by Tatiana Nikolayeva .
16 For that reason , straw as a fuel is likely to be most efficient and economical when used in heating close to the point of production .
17 The following technique is both spectacular and effective when used by someone with good timing and a fair turn of speed .
18 They look quite dull and uninteresting when lying on the beaches around Whitby and Scarborough , but they take a brilliant polish and look wonderful when mounted as jewellery .
19 And , though the cats have not been polled on this point , I suspect they would share human mistrust of the new and unknown when approached with it by advertising researchers .
20 1 The attitude of the courts The courts have developed a practice of viewing the position of an employee as particularly special and significant when dealing with restraint of trade claims by an employer .
21 For many years , however , he was unpredictable and sometimes violent , and his conversation became rambling and incoherent when touching on the subject of his delusions .
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