Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Old and young were attended to their last resting place by those who had loved them , and slept in churchyards adjoining the fields where in life they had played or ploughed .
2 But a great many more , both public and private were brought to their knees and many well known names eventually disappeared through acquisition or merger .
3 Something warm and metallic was pressed to her lips .
4 ‘ It 's a different science on an oval and that 's going to be the biggest challenge in two weeks ’ time .
5 Having been rare for many years doubles are now much more widely available and many are proving to be good garden plants .
6 The traditional method of slaughter by slow strangulation might well seem revolting but that is admitted to be a ‘ waning practice ’ .
7 While applauding the women of anger , Miki was worried that it might mean that anyone who writes about anything less traumatic and violent is considered to be less important .
8 There 's no toilets , nothing for them , I mean they 're doing everything in public , I mean it 's not right , it 's making life bad and this is meant to be a holiday resort .
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