Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 During the 1950s the interesting old Døle was graded to the Norwegian Red-and-White and combined into the Norwegian Red in 1963 .
2 The densest high forest in the High Weald is associated with the ghyll valleys , narrow ravines created by streams that have cut through the lighter soils .
3 When British Telecom was approached on the subject , we found that DDI can only be operated on a digital system ; the existing system is analogue .
4 Ben and Viz received equal attention , while dear old Dickens was approached with the same enthusiasm as a postman views a front gate marked ‘ Beware Of The Large , Fierce And Probably Rabid Dog . ’
5 In Fredegar 's narrative Childeric was exiled from the Franks for his sexual profligacy , but he arranged with his faithful follower , Wiomad , that he would return when the latter had sent him half a coin which they had divided between them .
6 AN appeal has gone out from Buxton Opera House where organisers of the BNFL-backed Questfest are asking for the loan of a Clavinova electric piano full-size keyboard .
7 Two local village churches have been the recipients of the Group 's generosity : in 1958 the Church of St. James , Thrapston , received the pews which had previously been installed in the Chelveston base chapel and the tower of the Church of St John the Baptist in nearby Caldecott-cum-Chelveston was restored with the help of the 305th .
8 More recent trends in the visual arts of Latin America are explored at the Hôtel des Arts , where the director is Ramón Tío Bellido .
9 Soviet specialists believed that the shift towards non-alignment in Latin America was hastened by the political situation in the region after the Falklands War which resulted in ‘ an open crisis of the inter-American system , including its military-political mechanism ’ .
10 However , it was only in 1929 that a separate Secretariat for Latin America was formed within the Comintern 's Moscow administration ; hitherto relations with Latin American Communist parties had been handled through a ‘ Latin Secretariat ’ which also covered Southern Europe .
11 Haya de la Torre rejected the Comintern premise that Latin America was set on the same course of development as the European industrial nations .
12 In 1961 an Institute of Latin America was established at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow , on the recommendation of Anastas Mikoian , who had recently returned from Cuba .
13 The predominant mood of rural England was replaced by the sharper view of vagrant cosmopolitans like Eliot and Ezra Pound , and of course the European expressionists who came face to face with social realism .
14 Respectable England was haunted by the feeling that ‘ the safety of society would soon be at an end ’ and that the ‘ dangerous classes ’ were gaining the upper hand because of the weakened authority of the law .
15 The great abbeys established as a thank-offering by the victorious Normans were complemented over the next four hundred years by a number of smaller foundations , dictated by the tenets of fashion and individual piety .
16 ‘ The Dark Ireland is ruled by the powerful wicked enchanters of the North , ’ said Dorrainge .
17 Thus great areas of central Spain were condemned to the extensive farming of cereals for low yields at great expense of labour .
18 At a mid-point in the novel there occurs McClintoch 's complaint that people are divided into the ‘ attractive ’ and the ‘ unattractive ’ , rather as , according to Disraeli , as Graham duly notes , Victorian England was divided into the two nations ' of rich and poor .
19 The appropriate DCSL was informed of the new figures agreed on , and was then empowered to process the resultant orders .
20 A second round of talks between the government and the ANC in early August was followed by the ANC 's announcement that it had decided to suspend its armed struggle ; all activities by the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , would cease .
21 In this pastoral Daphne is longing for the return of her ‘ cruel , marble-hearted Swain ’ [ vol.2 , p. 74 ] .
22 The whole of eastern and central Europe was affected by the Treaty .
23 Throughout the nineteenth century the national movements which developed within the great multinational empires which dominated eastern and central Europe were inspired by the sense of deep historical roots which went back into an imaginary golden age before the Ottomans , the Habsburgs , the Romanovs and the Hohenzollerns enslaved the ancient nations of medieval Europe .
24 The decision to transfer the capital from Lagos , in the south , to the new city of Abuja at a politically neutral site in central Nigeria was taken by the government of Gen. Murtala Muhammad in 1976 [ see pp. 27835-36 ] .
25 The Spanish influence in Central America is reflected in the wide use of olives in Mexican food and some crops are grown in Mexico and on the west coast of the USA .
26 The early Voxes were imported into the UK , having originated from various sources , but production switched to Britain before finally moving to Italy towards the end of the '60s .
27 A decision by the governments of France and West Germany to return their ambassadors to Iran in early June was welcomed by the Iranian press , with Kayhan saying that Iran would " give a positive response to this positive political move " .
28 In the serial Superman was left in the final frames pushing desperately with his outstretched arms at the sides of a tunnel melting into a hot , dangerous , black treacle-like substance which threatened to engulf him .
29 When she arrived at the Red House , a large Citroën was parked at the top of the short drive .
30 A newish Volvo was parked near the house , the offside front had been damanged and the lamp-housing smashed .
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