Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [noun prp] [modal v] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Overturning this residence order the Appeal Court was clear Nottinghamshire SSD should have used the Act 's public law provisions from the outset — it should have gone for a care order or a supervision order , enabling social workers to oversee the children 's welfare .
2 Transfer-listed Bernie Slaven could have played his last game for Middlesbrough .
3 Tom had seen some of the roughnecks that gentle old Mrs Black would have to deal with .
4 But 5 year old Amy Harding would have found the trauma of having a surgical collar even worse if she 'd had to make the long trip to Gloucester .
5 The rather un-Byronic 30-year-old Dustin Hoffman must have had a similar experience on the morning of 22 December 1967 when he opened the newspapers .
6 The light was not on in his room behind him , and from outside Mr Wolski might have seemed no more than an insubstantial shape , the reds and blues of his pyjamas now turned into grim black stripes against white , such as some of the prisoners in Nazi death camps of the Second World War had worn .
7 Owners Doug and Eileen Belcher say Premier John Major could have offered more support , both as an MP and a customer .
8 Also , the late Graham Chapman might have had a tribute more fitting to his debunking spirit than a discussion in which the presenter appeared to say the words ‘ epiphany-oriented . ’
9 ‘ I often think how poor Mr. Green would have trembled for the issue , as the passing of this beautiful Property with many hands may exceedingly disfigure a neighbourhood , which he poor man often busied his hand in beautifying . ’
10 Poor Father Vianney must have thought his sacrifices and self-denial in becoming a priest had scarcely been worthwhile if this sort of thing was going to happen .
11 And last night it was believed 55-year-old John Meade may have killed himself in depression .
12 After Rocastle 's early strike , Norwegian Frank Strandli should have added a second but blazed wide .
13 This realpolitik was most vividly demonstrated by the Ford purchase , an act an automotive Harold Macmillan might have condemned as selling the family silver .
14 It is no accident that the ingenuous and unpretentious Lady Clavering should have left to professionals the task of deciding what is , and what is not , good taste .
15 When votes are counted under the proportional representation system , it is probable Fianna Fail will have to seek an alliance with another party to retain office .
16 They did not share the critics ' dismay that bumptious Mr Spielberg should have borrowed that nice Mr Barrie 's little boy , allowed him to grow up as an awful Dad , and then sent him back to learn a few lessons in Captain Hook 's theme-park paradise .
17 Firbank spent the first ten years of his life at his family 's new home , The Coopers , Chislehurst — a village whose connections with the exiled Empress Eugénie may have influenced his enduring fascination with both royalty and Catholicism .
18 She hoped for a reply , but dared not hope too much ; she imagined that the Hon Mrs Anderson-Hunt would have had many replies and perhaps ladies with experience would be far more preferable to a young comparatively inexperienced girl like her .
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