Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [adv] [vb past] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Railworkers in central Poland also joined the stoppage , cutting the link with the industrial south-west , and in addition a hunger strike began in Slupsk .
2 A further deep Atlantic low gave the bulk of the population their wettest day of the month on the 23rd but , from the 25th to the 30th , the depressions became noticeably less intense .
3 The crafty Edison also held the patent on the light bulb .
4 The rapid rise of copper mining in eighteenth-century Cornwall certainly expanded the population of the western parishes , but at the expense of the non-mining parishes in the eastern parts of the same county .
5 It was an ingenious idea ; but the war with revolutionary France soon destroyed the fiction that there could be two Parliaments with but a single executive .
6 In his heart Gaveston knew that young Edward quite liked the clerk ; admired the man 's fidelity and unwillingness to criticise him to his terrible father .
7 Despite the inconvenience of counting large numbers the twenty-four-hour system persisted for centuries in Italy , but most other countries of western Europe soon adopted the system in which the hours were counted in two sets of twelve from midnight and from noon , respectively .
8 The railways in Russian Asia also had the power to make and break cities .
9 Gift exchange between fellow Goigama ordinarily took the form of cooked food .
10 The Goanese from the Portuguese territory in western India traditionally dominated the catering trades .
11 Or should I say : ‘ Bubbly , vivacious Marcel flirtatiously ignored the beam in his own eye while protesting about the beam in someone else 's ’ ?
12 But 50-year-old Derek yesterday defended the bonus bonanza which probably makes him Britain 's best-paid council worker .
13 But lovely Leslie soon lifted the lid on her co-star 's antics for the camera — and made it clear she was there in more than an ad-visor-y capacity .
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