Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] that has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Another far-reaching economic factor that has affected world trade was the decision in November 1973 by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) to increase the price of oil .
2 Contemporary changes therefore need to be placed in the context of a continuous process of change in English rural society that has affected both the character and the structure of English villages throughout their history .
3 The word ‘ jargon ’ , according to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary , comes from an Old French root that has to do with the warbling of birds .
4 ‘ On a fine Spring morning some sixty years ago I saw a crowd of half-nude men digging ruthlessly into the old grave barrow that has stood from time immemorial on the eastern slope of the hill between the traditional Hurlers and that towering rock idol , the Cheesewring .
5 However , sexual history records remarkable cases of feminine pubic hair that has grown to be longer than the hair on the owners ' heads .
6 Fifteen thousand new-age travellers are still camped on a beauty spot in the Malvern Hills tonight , after a four-day illegal festival that has left a village under siege , and police powerless to move them on .
7 It was the in-between of that sludge-grey spring that stopped and started , flowers bursting out then drenched with sleet , blighted by snow ; skies grey and thundery , rain mean and seeping , wind a slinking greasy cur that has paddled through filthy city ponds and has nowhere to go .
8 Whilst it may seem a far cry from the appalling civil war that has torn Yugoslavia apart or the collapse of the Soviet Union into an uneasy Commonwealth of Independent States , it seems that sport , and rugby in particular , can play its part in preventing the exaggeration and exploitation of nationalist feeling on international occasions .
9 An ordinary little firm that has operated perfectly cheerfully with a clerk and a few assistants over the years , is it actually a practical proposition to install the computer and perhaps train one or two of the workers to use it ?
10 In fact , it 's a term that could be aptly used to describe that whole flowery genre of catch-all fiddle-and-flute pop that has sprouted up in this country since Mike Scott first became an executive member of An Bord lascaigh Mhara .
11 Violent headaches which may be from exposure to a dry cold wind that has stopped a nasal catarrh from flowing .
12 The homes of this minority tribe are built over the water on stilts , its vegetable fields float on the lake 's surface and its fishermen propel their long narrow boats with a unique leg-rowing motion that has made them famous .
13 Our mountains have survived for millions of years , bearing witness to a history of violent , volcanic activity , glaciation and erosion , but ironically it 's the invention of the internal combustion engine and lightweight waterproof clothing that has put them under the most severe pressure yet .
14 Surrounded by the toys and the gadgets of his calling — tape recorders , mini television sets , world-band radios — he is the quintessential Japanese combination that has conquered the world : a tinkerer turned businessman .
15 THE GROWING STRENGTH , both in numbers and influence , of Surfers Against Sewage , is the most visible evidence of the unique surfing community that has built in the Badlands area .
16 Select a strong healthy stem that has borne a good bloom , or is still carrying one that has gone over the top , and look at the stem lower down — to see if you can find nice plump axillary buds or eyes in the leaf axils — these are latent growth buds , and they are going to become your new roses !
17 Figure 15. ( a ) Cut the buds which will make your new roses from a good strong stem that has borne healthy flowers .
18 It has been argued that in Britain , on every major social issue that has come before the courts during the last thirty years , the judges have supported ‘ the conventional , established and settled interest [ and ] have reacted strongly against challenges to those interests ’ ( Griffith , 1991 , p. 325 ) .
19 The couple lost everything in the savage civil war that has gripped their homeland .
20 Rothstein argues that patron-client relationships are well suited to the peripheral capitalist development that has taken place in Latin America because they are a way of paring down the number of recipients of industrial gains , when these gains are few in number .
21 But the key technological advance that has allowed the Soviets to speed up construction is the automation of welding .
22 Speculation as to the causes of queues has included a greater public awareness of the CAB , growing numbers in receipt of state benefits , unemployment and the availability of credit , the rising divorce rate , and a complex legislative programme that has affected clients detrimentally .
23 The appointment of Charlton would be seen in Manchester as the perfect solution to the damaging public wrangling that has made the club a public farce over recent weeks .
24 It is this complicated self-regulatory process that has made such a profound impression on the Gaianists ; i.e. the notion that living matter itself both defines and maintains the conditions necessary for survival , and that the chief physical features of the Earth are biologically controlled .
25 It is worth noting that in the USA there is a long tradition of national commissions on the curriculum , as well as a considerable academic literature that has influenced British thinking .
26 HAD GENERAL Manuel Noriega been overthrown by rebel troops , it would have meant the end of a two-year political crisis that has wrecked Panama 's economy and brought political embarrassment and frustration to the United States .
27 That would not be welcomed by NASDAQ , the quote-driven over-the-counter market that has usurped much of the two older exchanges ' business .
28 This approach emphasises that abuse is rare simply because the idea of a fiduciary relationship ( a relationship where there is a special duty of trust and care ) , and the consequent fiduciary law that has developed to protect this sort of relationship , would neither have evolved nor survived until today .
29 All that tender loving care that has gone into the brickwork , the glasswork and much of the decoration has made the Pally sparkle again .
30 Some living breathing thing that has succumbed to insanity , or been born that way , and which the Beastline and the Cruidlin have taken care of .
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