Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unless the leaky Government machine has failed to function by spewing out the usual advance warning of announcements in the pipeline , it seems unlikely that the deadline will be met — reflecting the complexities of trying to make rational long-term decisions in energy markets dominated by short-term thinking .
2 This hope turned out to be mistaken , but this was because of a new feature of the situation which was barely visible in 1072 : the Hildebrandine vision of a unified administrative system of government under papal direction was the real enemy of the primacy , as we can see from the history of the next fifty years .
3 They have achieved this by replacing the usual initial-value problem in terms of the Ernst equation by an equivalent 2 × 2 matrix homogeneous Hilbert problem in the complex plane .
4 To win Objective 1 status , the regional economic output per head of population has to be less than 75 per cent of the EC average .
5 Thymocytes from the knockout mice show a normal apoptotic response to treatment with glucocorticoids but are extraordinarily resistant to the induction of the process by radiation , both in vitro and in vivo .
6 The changes in the classic agricultural structure of Spain between 1750 and 1850 were achieved by rearrangement of the traditional economy , by its expansion in space , not by any fundamental change .
7 On Jan. 23 , representatives of Hungary , Poland , Romania , Slovakia and Ukraine established the Carpathia-Tisza Economic Working Community at Nyiregyhaza in Hungary , along the lines of the Alpen-Adria Economic Community [ see p. 38508 ] ; a formal document was due to be signed by member states in April .
8 The Commission 's thinking about a wider European organisation was set out yesterday by its vice-president , Mr Frans Andriessen , in a report about the proposed European economic space with Efta in which capital , people , trade , and services would move freely .
9 This code enables users to produce a complete working Agent for installation in an System V.4 environment in minutes .
10 This code enables users to produce a complete working Agent for installation in an System V.4 environment in minutes .
11 There are many cases where bride and groom have the same postal address at the time of marriage something that does not indicate premarital living together , quite unusual among the respectable working class of Edinburgh at the time .
12 There is thus a broad spatial division of labour within which control functions are concentrated in London , scientific and technical functions concentrated in the south and east , and production , while it occurs throughout the country , is a higher proportion of economic activity in the regions of the north and west .
13 The opposition claimed that the active campaign against them had started after the visit of US Secretary of State James Baker in February [ see pp. 38771-72 ] and that Baker had tacitly sanctioned repression against the democratic and Islamic political opposition in exchange for Tajikistan 's not allying itself with Iran .
14 As part of the celebrations of a ‘ Year for Tibet ’ there was no doubt that the exhibition was a strong political statement in support of the Tibetan government in exile .
15 Provision is to be made against specific debts which are beyond the normal due date for payment to the extent that the directors recognise the possibility of irrecoverability .
16 In the second half of the nineteenth century such sentiments had fostered the growth of a small but vigorous school of Siberian regionalist writers and political activists ( oblastniki ) , some of whom had even gone so far as to envisage the complete political separation of Siberia from Russia and the establishment of a new , independent Siberian republic .
17 If there is a normal retiring age for employees in your category , it can not be displaced by an agreement to extend the retirement age in your own case .
18 So if you are dismissed before the agreed age , you might have a claim for breach of contract , but not for unfair dismissal if you are over the normal retiring age for colleagues in your class of work .
19 That is what the Belgrade Tourist Board was offering in April : a day trip to the pretty historic Croatian town of Vukovar on the banks of the Danube , which Serbian-led troops pounded to bits during an eighty-six day siege last autumn ( The Art Newspaper No. 11 , October 1991 , p. 1 and No. 12 , November 1991 , p. 10 ) .
20 Tam Dalyell is wrong to say that I have been predicting a total European ban on lead in petrol as from June this year ( Forum .
21 A low reserve level in relation to annual imports or debt obligations could signify future problems .
22 Since vehicles have been banned for most of the waking day local shoppers and visitors can enjoy a pleasant lead-free atmosphere without fear of being pinned to a wall .
23 One of the most famous of all fossiliferous deposits is the Solenhofen Lithographic Stone of Bavaria in southern Germany .
24 An SD digest of reports on the effects of the raids of late May and early June 1943 on towns and cities in western Germany , culminating in a devastating incendiary attack on Wuppertal-Barmen on 30 May , provides an indication of the impact on political attitudes .
25 As a consequence , the claims missed the normal weekly batch-processing of data into the organisation 's mainframe computer , and the subsequent delay in receiving the expenses cheques was greater than the actual time taken to reprocess the forms within the section .
26 In this case , to model human institutions , a strong focusing preference of wine over table ( or , more generally , of theme over optional sentence participants ) seems to be required .
27 Yet US officials were dismayed that there was only one short-lived public demonstration in support of the rebels .
28 In Deem 's view , it is not surprising that the dominant gender code of schooling in Britain is that of strong classification since there is a strong sexual division of labour within British society .
29 He asked Admiral Scowcroft to tell the President : ‘ There is a retired old man in China in the Orient , who is concerned about the improvement and development of Sino-US relations . ’
30 Tension rose in the republic when a dozen people were injured in a bomb attack on a Croatian cultural centre at Odzak on Feb.24 .
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