Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 The 12 members of the European Community and the six members of the European Free Trade Association , plus Lichtenstein , aim to create a 19-nation European Economic Space by the end of next year in which virtually all barriers to the free movement of goods , services , capital , and people will be removed .
2 What his firm is worried about is how it will be able to meet its commitment to deliver an interim COSE-like product before the end of the year .
3 What his firm is worried about is how it will be able to meet its commitment to deliver an interim COSE-like product before the end of the year .
4 Husameddin uses this statement to link Molla Fenari with the turbulent political scene toward the end of Mehmed I 's reign , writing that because of his predilection for mysticism ( with particular mention of the " [ Molla Fenari ] attracted the attention of the ulema and men of state , since there were those [ of them ] who saw the statements of Molla Fenari as influencing the actions and feelings of the Melamis and Hurufis who were making their appearance in the regions of Rumeli and Anadolu . "
5 At the recent Annual Meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish concern was expressed about the state of the old stable yard at the end of Station Lane near the Little Chef .
6 Five South American presidents signed an accord to resurrect an Andean free-trade zone by the end of 1995 , more than 20 years after it was set up .
7 In Kosovo , which had been under Serbian direct rule since the end of June [ ibid. ] , the majority Albanian population kept up its campaign of open defiance in the face of an intensifying Serbian crackdown .
8 How many clubs will be relegated from the Scottish Premier Division at the end of this season ?
9 The Committee formed a Scottish Socialist Party at the end of August which was accepted for affiliation to the Labour Party on a total of 1,000 members .
10 Since Sudan came into existence as a separate state under British colonial control at the end of the nineteenth century , the north has tended to dominate , to be the seat of government and to take economic and political precedence over the south .
11 A very marked long-term trend since the end of the second world war has been a growth in the proportion of dwellings in owner-occupation .
12 Products must continue to show adequate antimicrobial efficacy at the end of the shelf-life .
13 The CTRN considered most of its work to be complete following progress at the end of 1991 in legislation relating to political parties and the press , and its membership was thus cut from 36 to 15 .
14 The first body , found in the Thames , was discovered accidentally by a bargee , who had been poling his way up the river and had been more than mildly surprised when he had brought his pole up from the river bed to find a sodden brown parcel on the end with a baby 's arm sticking out .
15 The Isle of Man operation was acquired from Standard Chartered Equitor towards the end of last year .
16 Because erm the actual functional group on the end it 's only just it 's only just been moved
17 The eggs of the lacewing can often be seen as a tiny little cluster at the end of a thin hair-like little stalk usually attached to the undersides of leaves .
18 They slyly extend it towards their prey — a worm or even a fish — and then discharge a tiny glassy harpoon from the end .
19 The following heartfelt plea towards the end of Mrs Whitehouse 's book , Whatever Happened to Sex ? sums up her thinking on the subject :
20 The Bishop lived in a fine red-brick house at the end of a long drive bordered with lime trees .
21 As well as the peace of mind of a guaranteed future value at the end of the agreement Rover also offers the customer the opportunity to insure their payments against the risks of sickness , accident , redundancy and even loss of life .
22 A further door led off to the right , with a tiled passage taking her to the bathroom , and another large square room at the end , which was probably the dining-room .
23 It was an exciting time , in retrospect a brief golden age between the end of colonial rule and the point when the repressiveness of the Kanu regime grew so blatant that disillusion , new East African writer would emerge , following in the footsteps of my already famous colleague , who then called himself James Ngugi .
24 Assessment : Each module is examined by a 90-minute written examination at the end of April .
25 There were no white caps , the waves were heavy and smooth and solid black right to the end of the world .
26 If there was persistent delayed transit at the end of the three minute period , the transit time was regarded as 180 seconds .
27 Zebrafish pax[b] ( pax[zf-b] ) is a member of the Pax gene family that is expressed in the presumptive posterior midbrain from the end of gastrulation and , at later stages , in other localized regions of the developing embryo .
28 A LOCAL historian has called plans to change the name of an ancient public footpath at the end of a leafy lane of substantial and secluded homes in Haslemere as ‘ nothing short of environmental and archaeological vandalism ’ .
29 The United Provinces , still a great naval power at the end of the seventeenth century , sank rapidly to a second-rate position in the early years of this period .
30 The delicacy of hardy perennials is the ideal contrast to such strength ; roses are the perfect climbing choice and the huge terracotta pot is an inspired full stop at the end of the vista .
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