Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] and [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 such a bloody annoying bastard and if you talk they stare at you like this
2 Well we had a old wooden crane aboard the dredger , that was all hand power , that 's just the old wooden derrick and when they got up to the , up to the dock , they had a , cos they had a crane paint with it or a steam crane .
3 In those days a new house was usually constructed out of wooden hut sections of which there was a plentiful supply as most of the troops stationed here in the war lived in wooden prefabricated buildings and when they left Orkney the buildings were dismantled and then sold .
4 right , popcorn starts off as little , like little brown seedy things and when it gets heated up it all pops up into fluffy white stuff , those little brown bits that nobody ate were the hard little bead things that did n't pop up , sometimes they do n't pop up you see
5 Having been nurtured in this way and observed adult males receiving the same treatment , boys may expect similar preferential treatment and where it is not offered automatically , demand it as a right .
6 But where they 've gone on to have parish councils , you 've had the typical triangular structure and when I talk to people and listen to what they say , they , they do n't express it to me as such , but the felling you get over is that 's the sort of structure they 're used to , because the structure of the church is built in anyway , and the whole structure of the church
7 They are my only remaining close family and though I wo n't hang on to them I have worried about feeling lonely .
8 Twice that morning , before even the heat was at its worst , she had to lie down and mop her face with a cold wet cloth and when she took the cloth from her skin it seemed to steam .
9 Mrs Freda Hindley , chairman of the bench , told her : ‘ You only escaped prison because of your previous good character and because you pleaded guilty . ’
10 The six fish grew into fine glowing Cardinals and when they were seven months old I decided to try and breed a pair from this group .
11 Behind his scowling manner was a kindly old man and if it had n't been for the arrival of a rather insipid little boy , she might never have known , nor might anyone else for that matter .
12 Once again , you should use a good toothbrushing method and if you use dental floss or tape between the teeth , you will reach any plaque or food particles your brush can not reach .
13 If he loses I hope he would accept it with equal good grace and if he wins I will be a good loser and help him out in the general election . ’
14 He went on to say that another enduring reality lies in America 's interests across the Atlantic — expanding the definition of across-the-Atlantic to include the Middle East , both because of its considerable economic resources and because it was home to some of ‘ our closest friends ’ .
15 Speak to a Kenyan distance runner in the high hills of the Rift Valley , a Bulgarian hurdler , a Soviet pole vaulter or even a Chinese high jumper and though they may not understand a word of what you are saying , when you utter the words ‘ Andy Norman ’ lights will shine in eyes and heads will nod in recognition and they will search , sometimes desperately , for an interpreter .
16 The studio was shaded with heavy blue curtains and as he drew them back so that she could see to read more easily , a shaft of sunlight struck across her hair .
17 When you put the pointer over a Split box it changes into a double headed arrow and as you drag it into the worksheet it drags a thick bar with it .
18 The very first sortie that I did when the war started was with No 77 Squadron in a Whitley to take pamphlets to Germany , flying in at the top end near Kiel and going throughout the Ruhr spreading these horrors of war on the germans telling them " you are wicked naughty Germans and if you do n't mend your ways Hamish will come back tomorrow night and drop some more paper on you " .
19 DG said that while it was n't satisfied with its overall results , it was encouraged by the continued success of its AViiON family of Unix computers , which showed significant growth over the year-ago quarter , and it remains cautious for the short-term because of the weak worldwide economy and because it sees no evidence that industry-wide pricing pressures will abate in the near future .
20 Commenting on its reduced second quarter loss ( figures , page seven ) , Data General Corp said that while it was n't satisfied with its overall results , it was encouraged by the continued success of its AViiON family of Unix computers , which showed significant growth over the year-ago quarter , and it remains cautious for the short-term because of the weak worldwide economy and because it sees no evidence that industry-wide pricing pressures will abate in the near future ; the Westboro company is able to shrug off the small but steady and grinding losses because it still had $196.2m in cash and marketable securities at the end of the quarter .
21 However , there exists the danger that ‘ issues ’ or ‘ problems ’ seen as relevant to gay groups outside of Ireland may be automatically ‘ adopted ’ here with the problem and its solution neatly packaged without first questioning whether it applies to the Irish gay experience and if it does , whether the proxy solutions are a help or a hindrance to the developing gay and lesbian psyche here .
22 The German Commandant had dreamt of a mute Jewish whore and when he was issued one for the duration his cup overflowed .
23 We sat her out on the chair , put her head between her knees and said look , take some big deep breaths and if you 're sick do n't worry about it , you 'll be alright .
24 If it is suggested that you are not sufficiently flexible to adapt to the reshaped structure that is envisaged , you may be able to challenge that view if your past record shows a steady upward progression and if you have carried out a wide range of tasks without serious mishaps .
25 The winner is decided erm on the total correct entries and if I 'm right there is a slogan to fill in .
26 In 1692 he published a Pharmacologia , an early work on drugs and medicines , which showed his wide botanical knowledge and where he gratefully acknowledged help from Sloane , Ray , Sherard , Doody and Petiver .
27 Owen was , he was aware , a hired man and not a member of the charmed social circle and if he wanted to get things done he had to do it indirectly by tweaking the inner social system .
28 And erm so that the campaign was working on two levels one to persuade women that they did n't have to take time off from working in factories , at certain times of the month and another to persuade women to use erm internal sanitary protection and as I said I will explain why later it comes into another section .
29 ‘ Spock is the only other credible choice and as he has no discernible personality , it has to be Kirk .
30 He had a large head and a round red face and while he repeated ‘ What a wet night !
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