Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] be [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I began to see how different Houy life was from what I was used to .
2 Yet this was a period when the English Civil War was at its height ; from the coins themselves we would never have suspected that such a large proportion of minting in the war years of 1639–47 was the result of a commercial agreement between the two countries and not just of the high levels of expenditure caused by the war .
3 Then she shows how much fun the proper outdoor technique is for her — ‘ The ideal occasion for communing with nature … is while you 're peacefully sitting still . ’
4 Mind you must remember at the time when he was fighting to put it through , the bill through parliament , the whole B M A , British Medical Association were against him , to a man .
5 The analysis will show how dependent small businesses are on their major customers ; how much is sold outside the local area economy ; and how competitive factors influence their sales .
6 Meanwhile , unofficial reports said that a British atomic submarine was on its silent way to the Falklands .
7 The impression that a simple one-sided morality is of itself nobler and more clear-headed than a complex one is false .
8 For the first time the new initiates beheld the inner chapel , of cloudy veined marble , to the Emperor Deified — vermilion threads in the milky crystalline limestone were like His agonised psychic sendings that pierced the veils of luminous nebulae .
9 A playful puppyish mood is upon you , but while this immature attitude is in evidence , be sensible enough to resist objects such as clothes , furnishings and oddments unwittingly left in your way .
10 A Spaniard 's natural emotional loyalty is to his pueblo , to his province ; he identifies himself progressively against those of another village or province , against other Spaniards , and finally against all foreigners .
11 Moreover , it is not without point that national economic consensus was at its strongest in the late 1950s under the premiership of Harold Macmillan .
12 Masefield 's unique narrative style is at its most sustained in these two novels .
13 No self-respecting republican popular front is without one .
14 Indiscriminate patient selection is in our opinion unwanted and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy should be largely restricted to patients with solitary stones , as careful patient selection is the key to obtaining optimal results with the least expenditure .
15 If celibacy and the life of professed religious women are about anything at all , they are about this hidden strand both within the Christian tradition in particular and in women 's lives in general .
16 You will then know what a healthy weight-loss diet is for you and be able to follow this for a further two weeks , or longer if necessary .
17 I have never hated hyenas : their occasional maniacal laughter and their eerie whooping cries are among my earliest memories .
18 In the majority of cases involving layers , it is not , for unless they are ranked in the top 100 , the major money-making opportunities are beyond them .
19 Soon , a long hot summer was upon us , and my trip to Buckingham Palace became imminent .
20 Another sign of possible 1929-style international financial crisis is upon us .
21 Such explanations of allegiance to the state and to charismatic patriarchal figures are in themselves too vague in this generalised form .
22 By now the soggy British spring was upon us .
23 Another element of Pareto 's attack on classical democratic theory is in his contention that the governing elites , whether characterised by the residue of combinations or by the residue of persistence of aggregates , are motivated not by morality or reason but by these common basic sentiments which are in themselves morally unspecific and illogical .
24 There was two feet of sand over the highest part of the island where the wind had carried it and all the heavy bridge-building machines were on their sides .
25 Then he was there , and that beautiful black bag was beside her .
26 The antique fountain-pen market is in its early stages , with the first International Pen Show and Auction being held in Geneva , November 1–3 .
27 Three or more miners were to he supplied and paid " from time to time " for the first three months but after this duration six able bodied miners were to he provided .
28 We gave him a Bronx cheer and a brief round of applause , ate and chatted our way through two more boxes of popcorn , until , finally , fifty minutes later , we were told the only remaining power was in his elbow and would we like our money back ?
29 ONE of Europe 's most successful healing therapies is on its way to Belfast .
30 The system of rent tribunals for furnished and post-1939 unfurnished houses is in our opinion a disgrace to British justice .
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