Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In part this failure of the middle classes to present a unified political front arose from the very intransigence of the regime .
2 Stirling accelerated and immediately a loud screaming noise came from the front of the vehicle .
3 She nodded and her alert hazel eyes flickered around the room , taking everyone in .
4 Both expansions of the European Economic Community led to the central institutions of the Community arguing successfully that , for the enlargement to function , they must be given more powers and the Community ‘ s political union must be strengthened .
5 Continuing anti-US feeling in Iran and the associated strength of the radical Islamic political forces resulted from the US refusal to make a more comprehensive effort to compensate Iran for the shooting down of an Iranian airbus in the Gulf by the USS Vincennes warship in July 1988 [ see pp. 36169-70 ] , and from the fact that it continued to hold , according to official Iranian estimates , some $12,000 million in assets frozen since the 1979 Iranian revolution [ for agreement in November 1989 to release assets see p. 37053 ] .
6 The ceiling sloped down tightly to the floor , making dark shadowy edges which were well nigh impossible to clean , and three odd narrow passages ran to the three dormer windows , which cast odd blocks of light into the main spaces of the room .
7 Finally , specific short-term shortages arose in the early 1970s , the most important being the 1972 crop failures ( when grain output was down 3 per cent on the previous year , against a trend growth rate of 3 per cent a year ) .
8 Her rich brown hair gleamed beneath the widow 's veil ; the bone structure of her face was overlaid with a suitable pallor , but no outward sign of grief .
9 Forster 's grotesque rubber mask nodded at the inferno .
10 All the associated grave goods belonged to the fourth century , the cemetery itself overlying earlier field boundaries and enclosures .
11 A tall slim man stood in the doorway to the bathroom .
12 I endorse what the right hon. Gentleman said about the progress that has been made so far .
13 The right hon. Gentleman asked about the regions of the Community .
14 The Labour Government neglected and cut resources for law and order , and the right hon. Gentleman sat at the table agreeing to those cuts .
15 There was an ironing-board , two kitchen chairs and a couple of broken wooden boxes snaked around the front room .
16 On the morning after the result of the referendum had been announced , the British Foreign Secretary went on the BBC 's Today programme to announce , in effect , ‘ business as usual ’ and that the timetable for the passage of the Maastricht ratification legislation by the British Parliament would proceed precisely as planned .
17 British foreign policy started from the incontestable and apparently unchanging facts that the United Kingdom was an island , depended on sea-borne commerce and communications , and had large overseas possessions .
18 The male working-class vote was , from the start , divided between the existing parties , and when socialist or social democratic parties appeared on the scene they seldom attained the political dominance which the solid support of the workers would have assured for them .
19 It was a foursome in Pepe 's on Saturday , and Shelley let her hair down in more ways than one , dancing vigorously with the hunky Carlos , while Rosie and her good-looking little Francisco sat in the shadows , their heads close together .
20 Relations deteriorated further in late March as hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Kurdish refugees headed for the Iranian border .
21 The ideological significance of Antoine Bloye emerges from two different conflictual relationships encoded in the text .
22 Rows of benches with damp kneeling pads stood before the display .
23 The old colonial system stood in the way of any attempt to replace an empire based on bullion imports by a mercantilist empire à la Colbert , reserved for Spanish products and feeding the prosperity of the mother-country ; regimentation had failed when interlopers and smugglers had turned the Castilian monopoly into a fiction , when ‘ Spain kept the cow , the rest of Europe drank the milk ’ .
24 The broken whisky-bottle neck fell to the carpet and he clutched at his chest , as if in imitation of Cardiff .
25 The Old Dissenting sects consisted of the Presbyterians , Independents ( also known as Congregationalists ) , Baptists , Unitarians and Quakers .
26 The unemployed Turkish waiter stood in the doorway and peered at him ; he was muscular and squat , and he was wearing only pyjama trousers that were creased and stained .
27 One of their number has just written a book questioning this kind of control and spilling the beans of angst rather as American and British feminist writers did in the Seventies .
28 As Victor shook his head in despair at the incorrigible woman a slim black-leathered silhouette came through the door .
29 Snap crack as your thumbnail bit , then the fresh green smell gushed into the air .
30 Clear yellow sunlight shone through the window-panes , making a pattern of diamonds on the plasterwork .
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