Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 There are from 1 to as many as 10 ( Madsen , 1973 ) apical oral papillae flanked on each side by 7–10 oral papillae , depending on the size of the specimen , with the distalmost becoming flat and widened .
2 There is one apical oral papilla flanked on each side by two rows of papillae .
3 Private economic power differs in this respect from the public power of the state .
4 The shores rang to the sound of his skates against the ice , a resonant hollow warble drawn at each stride from the depths of the lake .
5 The government was treated as the supplier of certain political goods not just the political good of law and order in general , but the specific political goods demanded by those who had the upper hand in running that particular kind of society .
6 In addition to the identification of specific fiscal problems faced by each of the three countries , the research will be able to highlight the similarities and contrasts in the governments ' approaches to taxation problems .
7 Students will closely monitor their own progress and complete detailed record keeping on all aspects of the investigation .
8 I believe that the right hon. Gentleman speaks for all our millions of fellow citizens .
9 If the right hon. Gentleman agrees with that , he should be ashamed at the way in which the Department is now trying to wriggle out of having a welfare role .
10 When the right hon. Gentleman came to that office , he had the opportunity to grasp the nettle of prison reform .
11 The view that the right hon. Gentleman attributes to that surgeon is certainly not shared by , among others , Nye Bevan 's nephew .
12 What would the right hon. Gentleman do in those circumstances ?
13 What sanction does the right hon. Gentleman suggest for those who persistently flout the view of the court that somebody is able to pay but refuses to do so ?
14 Will my right hon. Friend confirm to those who indulge in unnecessary and unwarranted smear campaigns that NHS trust hospitals are treating 10 per cent .
15 nobody went , dear old Maisie went to all that trouble
16 In systems integration , for example , Gartner Group rates Bull fourth in Europe and sixth in the world , which is a fact that continually gets lost amid all of Bull 's other bad news — and the French authorities seem to be oblivious to how badly the regular injections of state cash to prop Bull up play in the outside world , causing the company to be regarded as a corporate basket case that would no longer exist if it were subjected to the normal commercial disciplines faced by all its foreign competitors .
17 Within 12h , intact thymic lobes reform from these mixtures ( see Fig.2 ) .
18 In 1906 Chattanooga acquired a vast brick classical station containing a huge domed central waiting-room , with service wings lit by floor-to-ceiling arched windows extending on each side .
19 You do have you have local government and you have different political parties represented within that local government structure as well .
20 It is that there are no unambiguous criteria with which to judge the contribution that different administrative activities make to some final goal or set of values .
21 The move from anti-Jewish sentiments to full-scale political anti-semitism went through several stages .
22 High rocky cliffs pitted with little sandy coves melt away into long stretches of silvery beach .
23 The increased range and penetration of government activity , the tendency for specialised administrative departments to function with little political control , the growing complexity in the affairs of trade unions and other voluntary organisations which led to greater dependence upon professional experts — all these made it imperative that the general public should be better informed than ever before .
24 The Course uses 12 different paired timetable slots for most modules ( see Appendix 1 ) and it is , in theory , possible to examine all modules over six working days from Saturday of week 10 through to Friday of week 11 with two examination sessions a day .
25 It was exchanged later for a black Old English sheepdog owned by some relatives of ours at Piercebridge .
26 The greatest geographical concentration of provenanced medieval French fabliaux lies in this area of Picardy , and the use of the resurrected dialectal form is thus justified .
27 More olive brown juveniles differ from both young coots and adult winter Dabchick ( p. 23 ) in their white under tail coverts , and have much less white on throat than young coots .
28 Moreover , although sophisticated and assertive entrepreneurial groups emerged in all the major industrial areas , their dynamism stood out in sharp contrast to the conservatism and traditionalism prevalent among petty merchants and manufacturers .
29 Nevertheless , there are clear overall safety benefits from these approaches , which lead accidents in residential areas to fail more than they rise on peripheral roads .
30 The fact is simply that the two colours do not possess universal symbolic meanings shared by all the peoples of the globe .
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