Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 She notes that the Heinz family has been extraordinarily generous to the gallery over the years .
2 Faith , still hesitant of the water-crossing over the Timor Sea , met us in Hawaii and travelled with us to Denpasar , Indonesia .
3 I was bored with the arguments over the map .
4 They were particularly visible in the campaigns over the Industrial Schools Amendment Bill .
5 Elected for Northamptonshire to the second Protectorate Parliament ( 1656–8 ) , he was prominent in the debates over the alleged ‘ horrid blasphemy ’ at Bristol of the Quaker James Nayler [ q.v. ] , revealing thereby the limitations of his own toleration .
6 Yet the point of devolving power to provincial assemblies , central to the debate over the Tamil question , was to give these provinces some control over their own affairs .
7 They are central to the debate over the provision of legal services and the response to these issues will affect the formulation of policy .
8 RICHARD GOUGH , the subject of a Scottish League investigation for alleged statements that amounted to an illegal approach on Rangers behalf to Dundee United 's Duncan Ferguson , has now fallen foul of the SFA over the same player .
9 Prices of the new ranges fell foul of the haggling over the figure at which Nissan would sell its cars to Mr Botnar and what his Nissan UK would then charge buyers .
10 Following satellite evidence that record amounts of ozone-depleting gases were present in the atmosphere over the northern hemisphere , the USA ( on Feb. 11 ) , the UK ( on Feb. 12 ) and the European Communities ( on Feb. 23 ) announced bans on production of most of the gases from the end of 1995 — five years earlier than the date agreed in the Montreal Protocol [ see p. 37552 ] .
11 Oliver said : ‘ He 's involved in the deception over the Durances and he 's abducted Barbara Coleman to keep her quiet about it .
12 He was the justification for the war , particularly in the eyes of neighbouring princes whose intervention might have been decisive but who were understandably not that involved in the quarrel over the succession to Angoulême .
13 ‘ But they love to push up and that might leave them vulnerable to the ball over the top .
14 Prior to the controversy over the settlement of the immigrants in the occupied territories the then Minister of Agriculture , Avraham Katz-Oz , paid a semi-official visit to Moscow on Nov. 27 , 1989 , the first by an Israeli minister since diplomatic relations were severed by the Soviet Union during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war .
15 Until 1936 , the other rural counties in the District were regarded as ‘ open territory ’ but in that year a partial relaxation over public expenditure restrictions occurred and the issues inherent in the compromise over the rural areas agreement between the Cambridge Board and the District emerged in sharply focussed ways .
16 More than 20 animals have become extinct within the state over the last 10 years — compared to 40 during the last 194 years , since colonization .
17 The SNP must not allow itself to be bullied by Labour in the stramash over the Commons vote .
18 Addressing an emergency parliamentary debate in Kiev , President Leonid Kravchuk declared : ‘ Only one state is responsible for the conflict over the Black Sea Fleet ; and it is called Russia . ’
19 He also said that the Prince and Princess of Wales would not make a planned visit to China in November ‘ so long as those responsible for the atrocities over the past weekend remain in control of the Chinese government ’ .
20 In a letter to a newspaper earlier this week , Mr Birt adopted the tone of one who was chastened but also slightly puzzled by the uproar over the revelation that the BBC 's top executive was not a member of its staff .
21 Winner of the great race in 1978 with Lucius and then with Hallo Dandy in 1984 , Richards knows what it takes to win round Liverpool and do n't forget he was successful with The Antartex over the Aintree fences last year .
22 Most of this chapter is a discussion of these complexities and of possible policy actions , and our emphasis is on the wide choice which should be available in the future over the pattern and intensity of work which people do .
23 The same misreading of the evidence is apparent in the controversy over the alleged lack of prudence of the working class , particularly as manifested in the younger age of marriage .
24 Home news was preferred over foreign , new a about things familiar to the reader over the unfamiliar .
25 The bulk of the £50,000 is still outstanding while Barnet are appealing to the FA over the £25,000 fine .
26 They were a little anxious about the flight over the Timor Sea as their compass had been 10° awry on the outward journey though it was correct at Melbourne .
27 Gives guidance on the terms under which conditions and obligations can reasonably be imposed on developers , an issue which may be particularly relevant in the argument over the development of ‘ brown ’ areas of the Green Belt .
28 Millie 's hair was close to the light over the table ; it looked like a burning bush .
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