Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun prp] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bunny agreed with Meredith that there was nothing wrong with Dawn Allenby apart from her love of beauty , an affliction she was ill-equipped to fight .
2 Well you were late on Friday night again to bed .
3 THE brother-in-law of James Guerin , the US industrialist accused of defrauding Ferranti of more than £150m , pleaded guilty in US court yesterday to two counts of bribery in America 's WedTech defence scandal .
4 The Linds are resident at Nelson House even to this day .
5 I 'm not saying we want loads of 15-year-olds sitting in their bedrooms being morose over Techno songs instead of Morrissey songs , just that you can have soul in this type of dance music .
6 Rabbi Meir Kahane , a controversial ultra-militant Zionist leader , was shot dead in New York late on Nov. 5 .
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