Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pers pn] [is] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first thing and these are statistical problems that we wo n't spend too much time on them but just make sure they are our error term in this equation , right , is no longer a random error term it 's dependent on it 's value in the previous period right , cos B T actually represents U T minus sumfunction of E T minus one right .
2 You , you want to go straight across but it is n't straight across it 's sort of like that
3 Families in poverty , families who have a disabled child , lone parents or step-families , families whose children have been taken into care , all are particularly vulnerable to them is match between needs and services .
4 National minimum wage , of which has said , the employment consequences would be little short of disastrous and the society backs estimates that up to eight hundred thousand jobs could be destroyed by the minimum wage and of the A E U described the minimum wage as nonsense and said he was flatly opposed to it 's introduction in the private sector .
5 Bangor 's brilliant Bass Cup quarter-final win over Linfield sent a buzz through a town notorious for it 's apathy towards the local soccer club .
6 The Buffs is well-known for it 's work for charity and on Easter Monday all proceeds from a lunchtime ‘ bandbox ’ and evening show featuring Lee and Marie and Feelings will boost an appeal for the North Riding Infirmary .
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