Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Russians were interested in and finally converted to Christianity at the end of the tenth century and from this time onwards their ecclesiastical architecture was based on that of Constantinople while the churches were , in many cases , built and decorated by Byzantine craftsmen .
2 Inositol phosphate formation by lysates of cells transfected with pMT2-PLC- β1 or pMT2-PLC- β2 was absolutely dependent on and greatly stimulated by free Ca 2+ .
3 In the ommatidia they occur as proteinaceous granules in the pigment cells surrounding the crystalline cone and retinulae ; they are distinct from and sometimes masked by the ommochrome pigments that may also be present .
4 It is at this point that the analogy between anorexia nervosa and hysteria , which Freud saw as separate from and possibly opposed to the obsessional neuroses , seems to break down , along with Dally 's separation of the two as different forms of the disease .
5 Her eyebrows were red as if thickly marked above her eyes with red ink but her face was colourless , no blood at all showing in cheeks or narrow lips .
6 Economic policy was the core of Reagan 's programme and especial care was taken to ensure that those primarily responsible for economic matters were fully conversant with and totally committed to the president 's position .
7 Consequently , it is possible to identify types of information that are needed by language processing systems but are either absent from or wrongly presented within the dictionary .
8 These individuals may be frightened by and greatly distanced from the power and authority of the state , but in an important sense they also need the state ; its appeal to a higher authority as well as its power and resources .
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