Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Isabel lay very still , her muscles so rigid with tension that she doubted she could have moved anyway .
2 It was clear to Ruth that she had plumbed the depths of depravity .
3 It was typical of Deana that she thought Belinda ‘ might have a chance ’ with the man just because he was ugly .
4 It was unfortunate for Mary that she had to raise enthusiasm in new members of staff and there was no INSET teachers ' group and no support team .
5 Feeling sick with relief that she had not run away with a rich man , Frankie shook his head vigorously in agreement and clung to her arm .
6 It was obvious to Juliet that she thought the world of David .
7 It was only when she was deprived of her and was frantic with worry that she started behaving in an irresponsible way towards society .
8 She was so full of self-hatred that she made life into a torture chamber .
9 Occasionally , he took his hand off the gear lever and reached out for hers , and sometimes he glanced towards her with a look so full of tenderness that she felt she could weep for joy .
10 Her mind had been so full of Travis that she 'd forgotten all about her cousin and the jade figurine , and the recall now was an unpleasant shock .
11 She told me that after the second , her son 's death , she was so angry with God that she refused to cry and found after her sister 's death , she was unable to .
12 Modesty forbade her to undress properly and get into her nightshift in front of so many people , though it was so hot below decks that she felt obliged to take off her top skirt and her blouse .
13 Though his words could hardly be construed as an apology , and nothing had been resolved , Luce was so incandescent with happiness that she thought sleep would be impossible .
14 Diana is said to have been deeply distressed by reports that she has recently suffered another outbreak of bulimia nervosa , the binge-eating disease .
15 SOPHIA Loren is greatly upset at rumours that she has had cosmetic surgery at 58 .
16 There was none of the clashing of iron , or stamping of horse that she had come to associate with both skirmish and battle , only an odd silence , save for the distant and familiar sound of a storm wind , and the voice of a flock of birds , coming closer …
17 Sources close to the princess were also upset by stories that she had suffered another bout of bulimia nervosa , the binge-eating disorder .
18 In fact the prospect of hosting a dinner party was so fraught with terrors that she 'd probably started to get drunk for it the night before .
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