Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But your ground , I imagine you 've kept it fairly cre , free of weeds for quite a
2 Player A's strategy is linear in z for both the finite and the infinite horizon models .
3 The company 's prime concern is that when the collection is launched it is utterly free from criticism by even the most rigorous green scientists .
4 Such developments , along with the continuing work of the International Committee of the Red Cross within the country , are welcome in themselves and also give some evidence that the Sri Lankan Government is responsive to criticism from outside the country .
5 Rocard had come under increasing pressure in the National Assembly ( lower house of parliament ) where he was dependent on alliances with either the right or the PCF in order to get legislation approved .
6 To try to counter these problems , a system of storage and retrieval of personnel records has been established , accessible on demand at both the Group 's Central Executive and in the 16 Regional Bank Head Offices .
7 This makes the transitions less well defined and subject to jitter in rather the same way as a multivibrator will jitter if the initial approach to transistor turn-on is not rapid .
8 Patients developing tolerance to adenosine-mediated protection because of recurrent anginal episodes may be amenable to preconditioning with either a muscarinic or an adrenergic agonist depending on the level in the signalling pathway at which tolerance occurs .
9 ‘ For several years householders have been very anti to anglers at both the Ham street and Ruckinge ends of the water , ’ said Robin Wadham .
10 When the tide springs up the shore the furthest , it also recedes the furthest — uncovering pools which may be accessible by foot for only a few hours each year .
11 After the 1989 elections tensions within the PSOE developed into a rift between the party itself and the government ; the latter was accused of moving politically to the right and of becoming involved in corruption after nearly a decade of power .
12 By the end of the 1970s there was substantially more conflict between central and local government than there had been before and , by the early 1980s , not only was Labour in control of almost every urban council — even when very weak at national level — but in some places the controlling Labour groups had swung dramatically to the left .
13 It will be dark long before I arrive home and I do n't feel safe at night with only an old man like Goodison for company . ’
14 That method can be used to distances of about a hundred light years .
15 For example , in ascertaining the image of a book on a distant plane , he adopted a procedure familiar to artists for almost a century .
16 But the deep grammatical structure of language , as revealed by Chomsky for instance , is not susceptible to criticism in quite the same way .
17 Effective training is essential to success in almost every area of engineering , and risk management is no exception .
18 Maybe its a bit difficult for people with either a non UK sense of humour ( I include you Irish folks in UK … sorry guys , but could nt think of a better description …
19 Our War Diary desk will be open for queries from 10am-4pm every Friday on , ext 2435 .
20 Whatever the cause the effect of the dementing type of brain failure is devastating at times for both the sufferer and the carer .
21 Q Our daughter is nearly three and she 's been dry at night for over a year , but recently she 's started to wet the bed at night .
22 The same sort of thing is true of Grimes on practically every level .
23 It seems that the issue of friendship is significant in respect to almost every area of Leapor 's writing .
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