Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] over a long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead that sense has to be nurtured by more direct experience over a long period of time .
2 However , if it were possible to keep careful watch over a longer period , you would discover two interesting things .
3 The explanation is that , given a totally unvarying diet over a long period of time , especially if it is from kittenhood right through into adult life , a cat 's ‘ food variety mechanism ’ gets worn down and is finally switched off altogether .
4 There is thus a tendency to build up a strong personal relationship over a long time , and slick high-pressure selling techniques are unlikely to be of much help .
5 Those few casual workers in the catering industry who do seem to work on a more or less continuous , almost full-time basis over a long period for a single organisation ( the plaintiffs in the oft-cited " O'Kelly case " ) , tend to possess skills which that organisation , and indeed other potential employers , value .
6 Thus you will already be aerobically fit , that is able to sustain a relatively low work-load over a long period .
7 The results they obtained suggested a close relationship between changes in the United States ' money supply and changes in money national income over a long period of time .
8 This can have a rather unsettling effect over a long period — the family man can not promise to take his children to the seaside or his wife out to dinner more than a week ahead without the chance that he might be in India , California or Scotland at the time he promised .
9 Light : Needs very good light over a longer period than is used for other water plants Water temperature : 68°–78°F .
10 Recall from Chapter 19 that this is a long-run measure of income which can be thought of as the present value of the expected flow of income from the stock of human and non-human wealth over a long period of time .
11 Poor timekeeping over a long period usually amounts to misconduct .
12 It reached its present form over a long period of time during which there have been numerous law changes — not all of which have achieved their desired result , as Ian Kirkpatrick , Rutherford 's South African counterpart , was the first to point out .
13 She was still wearing her Sunday clothes , black coat over a long dress , with matching gloves , hat and bag ; every Sunday she remembered those dear to her who had died — every Sunday she mourned .
14 Her most recent purchase — a transparent black coat over a long wrap skirt from Jigsaw , topped off with a dramatic black hat from La Beau Chapeau in Belfast — is destined for a wedding , and gives her the look of a modern day Mary Poppins in mourning .
15 We therefore laid our plans and moved out in good order over a long period of time .
16 Fred has been encouraging pilferage over a long period .
17 There was considerable vaginal dilation ; in my view , only consistent with full penetration over a long period .
18 The majority of the work shown was very recent , but several of the pieces date back as much as 10 years revealing her fascination with the themes from classical mythology over a long period .
19 Alison is an artist who has made an important contribution over a long period
20 Damien , the wild card , has had a very visible year whilst Alison is an artist who has made an important contribution over a long period .
21 the nature of the caring relationship is likely to be based on love and mutual support over a long period of time .
22 He has been a doughty fighter over a long period in favour of the use of democracy and dialogue and in condemnation of the use of violence .
23 Now , now it would 've been easier for you , the , the part that you missed out which would have brought all that in to play would have been how much do you want to pay , do you wan na pay a , a small amount over a long time or a big amount over a short time and then that would 've brought that into play .
24 Pre-emptive local anaesthetic field block for inguinal herniorrhaphy resulted in reduced pain scores and a delay in requests for analgesia during the six hours studied by Ejlersen et al , but similar work detected no pre-emptive effect over a longer period .
25 Common sense as well as medical evidence tells us , however , that excessive drinking over a long period of time can lead to health problems — and that drinking vast quantities in a short space of time is both foolish and dangerous .
26 Spruce needles certainly take longer to decay than some other leaves , releasing humic acid over a longer period but at a slower rate , but being a long standing constituent of the northern latitudes coniferous belt , spruce ( Picea ) is quite compatible with lakes well stocked with fish .
27 These data suggest that the selection of a relative who gives moral support is related partly to the composition of the kin group and partly to the quality of a particular relationship over a long period of time .
28 I think there 's a danger , if we keep surveying a wide range over a long term , you end up by not moving forward very quickly in a particular direction .
29 Although Kraemer and Roberts ( 1984 ) were able to demonstrate an apparent loss of latent inhibition over a long retention interval using chocolate milk as the CS , no effect was apparent when saccharin was used .
30 And for cooking the tastiest casseroles , there 's a special ‘ Slow-set ’ facility which lets you leave the food to cook itself at a very low temperature over a long period .
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