Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] because [pers pn] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is a stately cliff of a semi in Holland Park now lashed together against a neighbouring stately semi because he found that this was the best way to double his garden space .
2 they came up to you if there 's two women together they assume that they have the right to talk to you , that you 're going to be interested in them , and if you tell them to get lost however politely , you can get a very , very unpleasant response because they assume that what they have to say is more important !
3 Increasingly , other firms are drawn into the web of the military-industrial complex because they realise that government contracts take risk out of business .
4 I gave way to the hon. Gentleman because he felt that his point was important , but it is covered by section 12(1) of the Theft Act 1968 .
5 I would think it 's a diminishing number because I think that a large number of judges who would have voted for Mr Clement Attlee would look askance at voting for some of his successors , with all respect to them .
6 Prof. Tom Thomas , chairman of the polytechnic 's research degrees committee , said : ‘ This is a crucial signal because it demonstrates that the work of the polytechnic extends to the highest levels of scholarship .
7 The nautical details carry a symbolic significance because they suggest that the protagonists are themselves oriented but , as Barth has said , ‘ in the troubled and dangerous waters through which they , like the rest of us , necessarily sail … no degree of skill in navigation or of seaworthiness in the vessel guarantees that the destination will still be there at our Estimated Time of Arrival ’ ( Barth 1984 : 140 ) .
8 Some deputies had voted against an Anglo-French expedition because they thought that Egypt was a distraction from the proper concern of a French government over the lost provinces ; other Frenchmen already envisaged an understanding with Russia .
9 But they now had a great advantage because they knew that their viral DNA was in the gene and so they could use this knowledge to fish out the gene that clearly plays some role in limb development .
10 These results are important for plate tectonic theory because they show that the Earth is not currently expanding as has been suggested by a small minority of earth scientists , at least not at a rate which is significant compared with rates of plate motion .
11 An announcement that a firm is increasing its dividends is a good signal because it suggests that the managers believe that future earnings will be sufficient to sustain the higher level of dividends .
12 ‘ Co-Operation North , which aims to advance mutual understanding and respect between the people of Northern Ireland and the Republic , was especially keen to become involved in this major project because we believe that older people have a vital role to play in promoting better understanding and tolerance between the people of Ireland , north and south , ’ said
13 This reflects badly on those involved with diabetic care because it suggests that not enough attention has been devoted to discouraging this atherogenic activity in an atheroma-prone group .
14 It was Bourne , speaking in a low voice because he knew that the reporters were still with him .
15 The Educational Institute of Scotland has organised industrial action because it argues that the new school is still basically Bellarmine in a different building .
16 The great extension of astronomical observations that began early in the 1960s brought about a revival of interest in the classical theory of general relativity because it seemed that many of the new phenomena that were being discovered , such as quasars , pulsars , and compact X-ray sources , indicated the existence of very strong gravitational fields — fields that could be described only by general relativity .
17 Then there are others who are satisfied with superficial information because they feel that if more is revealed then conflict could arise in the family .
18 Robin Blackburn ( Letters , 3 April ) has argued in favour of proportional representation because he sees that it will enable a New Left Party to ‘ stand under its own colours ’ .
19 I 'd like to propose the Labour motion because I think that this actually , these issues are very important and in a moment I shall say why I think they are .
20 But we can not hope to defend integrity in this normal way because we know that integrity will sometimes conflict with what fairness and justice recommend .
21 One suggestion is that pre-exposure to the context , by preventing the subsequent formation of context-target associations , might enhance latent inhibition because it ensures that particularly strong associations will be formed among the elements of the target itself .
22 So how do you try a new song because you said that you wo n't necessarily try and do a song out on stage .
23 Now Mill seems to be very unsure what to do about this because he does n't want to say that the poor should be disenfranchised , because after all everyone is entitled to their say in government , but he does seem to be worried that if the poor are given an equal say or the uned uneducated poor are given an equal say , then they will make a very bad decision , a decision which is against their own interests and this is one reason why he favours plural voting because he recognizes that the numerical majority might make a erm wrong decision , so we should make sure that the numerical majority do n't have sway in a democratic process by giving another client more weight in it so he seems to between wanting to disenfranchise them altogether which he seems to consider and just emasculating their vote by giving other people more votes .
24 I am proud to confess that , in the 1970s , I campaigned for a national minimum wage because I felt that it was the right thing to do then .
25 This represents quite a significant change because it signals that the authorities were inclined to let market forces have a greater influence on the volume of credit ( and therefore the stock of money ; see Chapter 5 ) as well as the recipients of credit .
26 I made my original prediction because I believed that , whatever people said , once they got into a polling booth , lots of them simply would n't vote for Kinnock .
27 No , I mean in in industry and also the the the artists , they do enjoy er royal patronage because they know that it is an asset to the arts .
28 The decision marks a significant development because it shows that national copyright law can not be used to justify conduct which is incompatible with the objectives of Article 86 .
29 She had been born in Edinburgh but only mad chance because I think that the family were only there a short time .
30 This regulation of registration often causes bad feeling because it means that Chinese people friendly with foreigners are easily recognised and traced .
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