Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] she [vb past] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 He had a lantern lit by the time she had dressed , wrapping herself last of all in the big , hooded cloak she had brought for Birsay .
2 Somehow this tea was not turning out to be the delightful social event she had hoped for , full of contented tittle-tattle and scornful criticism of all who were not Scottish and United Church .
3 She slapped a handful of cold cream on her face and tissued off the exaggerated make-up she 'd worn for the showing , pulled her hair back into a ponytail , laced on her canvas sneakers , and stalked back to the showroom where Raimondo was hovering over a glowering Nicolo .
4 Utterly different from that silly , crushy feeling she had had for Tom before , when all that had happened was that she had felt miserably self-conscious and tongue-tied in his presence .
5 As a lover , he had bored her , but she liked the idea of his having to steel himself to visit her in the filthy venue she had chosen for their affair .
6 She straightened the long limbs and pressed the strands of black cotton she had used for hair more firmly into the scalp .
7 Come and tell me about this morning , ’ He looked round for Catherine to discover that with admirable good sense she had asked for the facilities of the house , and was being issued with soap and hand-towels by Miss Williams .
8 A shadowy image of herself stood there , nodding and smiling shyly , while the real Isabel remained in the cold , lonely place she had inhabited for so long and grimly decided that the first step was almost accomplished .
9 She had no intention of telling him about Ian White , the medical registrar she had dated for over a year and who she had once thought might have come to mean much more in her life .
10 Two or three times a year she exchanged the cushioned existence she had constructed for herself for something different but equally restful , like a prolonged stay at a good hotel in the country or a cruise on the QE2 .
11 ‘ No , and it needs time and discipline as well as motivation , ’ Belinda murmured , the instinctive empathy she had felt for Faye growing as she heard more of the painter 's story .
12 He remembered their talk together and the bleak picture she had painted for him of her life .
13 This must go up on the wall ! ’ and stick his latest painting up with Sellotape alongside the daubs by the mentally handicapped group she had played for at Christmas , and the postcards from her friends all over the world .
14 Was this the genteel establishment she had hoped for ?
15 Miss Windsor was always much more intelligent than the all-bust-and-bum dumb blonde image she had created for herself .
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