Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] which was to be " in BNC.

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1 They sure looked smart , he thought , and from that moment he began to cultivate the straight , dignified bearing which was to be his hallmark in later life ; only occasionally did he forget and relapse into his old North American droop .
2 Penelope walked slowly away from the house , then pretended to be locking at an empty house which was to be sold two doors away from where Rupert lived .
3 Nevertheless , it was a defiant stand which was to be admired even if the final outcome did not bring about the desired result .
4 Thus the hobelar , a form of light horseman , came to provide the mobile and versatile force which was to be characteristic of so much war on the Anglo-Scottish border in the early fourteenth century .
5 It immediately causes a stark image which was to be the main theme of the poem .
6 In retrospect these concerns now seem a much bolder move , constituting an important political lead which was to be continued in the resistance to the war in South-East Asia in the sixties and early seventies .
7 China 's parliament , the National People 's Congress , approved on April 4 the Basic Law which was to be Hong Kong 's " mini-constitution " after 1997 , with 2,600 votes in favour , 16 against and 37 abstentions .
8 They walked across the square together , to the little hall which was to be Wycliffe 's base for the duration of the case .
9 The leisure and recreational movements generated from the grassroots or from the concerned philanthropist looking down from on high were to give way to a cultural and economic popularism which was to be progressively constructed by the new generation of market-orientated professionals .
10 A charming Chinese member of staff greeted us and took us from the airport to Robert Black College which was to be our home for four months .
11 The inconsequential and bawdy mimes proved difficult to unravel but Knox was determined to succeed , exercising on them the scholarship combined with inspired guesswork which was to be his forte in his future career .
12 Less extreme in deformation , quieter and less agitated in mood , these paintings form a prelude to the important work which was to be done by Picasso during the summer in Spain at Horta de San Juan .
13 Although the great house remains the focus of her village society of two or three families , their pervasive flaw is a pride and ceremony that detracts from comfort — that middle-class word which was to be so crucial for the Victorians .
14 In much of this material there was little attempt to relate such antipathy and prejudice to a consistent and coherent theory of behaviour , but the assumption and arguments on which it was based can be seen as the origins of a racial nationalist ideology which was to be more rigorously formulated at a later date .
15 At the Salon des Indépendants all these artists were grouped together in Salle 45 , together with the work of Morgan Russel and MacDonald Wright , who called themselves ‘ Synchromists ’ and somewhat pretentiously purported to be representatives of a new school which was to be the culmination of all European painting ; they were , in fact , rapidly absorbed into the more vital Orphist movement .
16 The absence of a non-Roman catholic school in the immediate area and the naïve belief that they were empowered in some way to have a say in what type of school should appear on their housing estate — there was a small Roman catholic school which was to be expanded to cater for the growth of the population — may have sharpened catholic parents ' interest in having an integrated school .
17 Although this first national legislation placed the federal role as a passive supporter of state and local government policies , it marked the beginning of federal involvement which was to be transformed into an interventionist and policy-initiating role .
18 In February 1991 he had moved from Palermo to Rome in order to become director-general of penal affairs in the Justice Ministry , and it had been widely expected that he might head a new judicial body which was to be created as part of a fresh anti-Mafia drive .
19 On his shoulder he carried a holy Torah which was to be a gift to his place of worship .
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