Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] i have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She considers this ‘ probably the most exciting thing I 've been involved with .
2 In case you think I have been having a merry old time , I 'd better tell you also that I have been staying up to the small hours as there has been such a lot of preparation to do , and the course participants have also been keen to make use of our presence by asking all kinds of questions about English etc. , so this is literally the first free time I have been able to make since I have been here .
3 But before I take the first step out of here , I think I 'll feel pretty good about the knowledge and inquisitive spirit I 've been able to share and the doors I 've helped open .
4 Mary , who now combines her psychology practice with astrological counselling , said : ‘ As a psychologist , for a long time I had been aware of a lack , that this science did not give the whole of the picture .
5 Within a short space I have been concerned to make two basic points in this chapter .
6 The shots were going to look terrific , but this was ridiculous — the very thing I had been cynical about and did not wish to do I was doing ; carrying a bike both up and down a mountain .
7 At first , when I did , I thought it was purely a physical dependence I 'd been afraid of , because I was so slow to understand .
8 Sadly , the only conclusion I 've been able to arrive at since Mr Lamont did his bit , is that the sooner I become a recluse with a string of racehorses the better and that ca n't be right .
9 I suppose the appeal to me has been making things happen and changing things and feeling quite British about it and proud of what in my very small way I have been able to do in this country and being able to export that abroad and make it a success there .
10 For an ugly moment I had been convinced she had guessed the real reason for my avid professional interest in Bill Francis .
11 Over New Year I had been able to escape a constant anxiety that time was running out .
12 Before I began the formal research I had been aware from the few parents of children with trisomy 21 I knew that there was more disquiet about their negotiations with professionals and the treatment of their children than had made its way into the academic and professional literature on parents and families .
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