Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] for [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I could have thought of a marginally more interesting way for us to spend the evening together , but it would have been harder to review .
2 Unfortunately , the research revealed a high tendency for them to recruit the wrong people .
3 In either event , it is argued that the residual rights of the shareholders create an appropriate incentive for them to activate the relevant disciplinary mechanisms .
4 The not-so-dour Scot knows it will be a unique experience for him to take the visitor 's dressing room at the citadel where his deeds as player and manager became legend — as did his departure .
5 As he was the only able-bodied man on the farm , it was a constant struggle for him to make the mortgage payments .
6 This is a unique chance for them to retain the use of this line and I urge them to keep up the pressure .
7 ‘ It was a good opportunity for us to develop the application as part of the contract . ’
8 It is a great joy for me to see the discipline and enthusiasm of these players .
9 While it might be to your advantage to do so at the earliest opportunity , there is nevertheless no legal urgency for you to make the journey other than at your convenience .
10 It must be stressed that an exercise , such as the one mentioned is fundamental to the effective use of nursing manpower for it provides the foundation for subsequent decisions which may be less effective if handicapped from the outset .
11 It seemed to be a considerable undertaking for him to rearrange the leathery brown cheeks and the stiff grey eyebrows which were apparently supported by his thick-lensed spectacles .
12 I think the general feeling of the panel is that if you are committed to a route north of Knaresborough , then we think it 's sufficiently a enough a strategic matter for us to continue the discussion on on it .
13 ‘ However , it seems a difficult time for us to consider the situation with such an important match a day away .
14 The year 1890 was also a very significant year in deaf history for it saw the birth of the British Deaf and Dumb Association .
15 Roxburgh said : ‘ The four players I 've mentioned form a very experienced backbone for me to put the flesh on .
16 Central government not only mapped out extended statutory territory for local councils to develop , but also provided a large financial incentive for them to cultivate the new territory .
17 Here was a marvellous chance for us to see the paintings but all we had was talk , talk , and more talk about what the paintings were supposed to mean .
18 Crystal Palace1 ARSENAL , back to the form which earned them two championships in three years , will use the rest of what has been a disappointing season for them to lay the foundations for future challenges .
19 A new offer for him to challenge the world heavyweight champion , American Ruddick Bowe , is reportedly being thrashed out .
20 By June we had made sufficient progress for me to tell the House of Commons that we intended to move against the ‘ frozen ’ pension .
21 In the second sentence , which has a grain of ambiguity , grammar and meaning do not provide sufficient information for us to neglect the visual analysis .
22 However , the Vauxhall Sport result , where he was only beaten by the official team Subarus of Richard Burns and Alister McRae and finished ahead of the new Ford Escort Cosworths of Gwyndaf Evans , has provided sufficient encouragement for him to tackle the next round of the Open series , the Pirelli International on April 17/18 .
23 But this is obviously not sufficient reason for us to condemn the porn .
24 A novel way for you to explore the area where Cook spent his formative years .
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