Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and i [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 They hand-made him this acoustic guitar and I thought it was really beautiful , so I thought I 'd like something like that .
2 Coun Len Douglass said : ‘ He has obviously been told to stay away by the Labour group but he was there in a civic capacity and I find it very sad . ’
3 I pick up my old self and I see it 's silly .
4 Before he left , he held out his free hand and I took it .
5 Before he left , he held out his free hand and I took it .
6 the possibility of deliberate , purposeful social improvement and I think it 's much more straightforward than people generally suggest .
7 ‘ The situation is now that if he works hard and shows the right attitude and I think it is right , then last week will be forgotten and he will go in the side . ’
8 You asked for Operation Cuckoo to be your personal responsibility and I gave it to you .
9 If that were all , I 'd applaud it as a wise and public-spirited action and I hope it starts a trend .
10 Speaking immediately after his election , John Young said : ‘ I am honoured and delighted to be elected Deputy Vice President and I see it as an opportunity to contribute to some of the serious issues facing the profession , and to represent a body with which I have been involved for much of my life .
11 I was looking for the perfect book and I found it . ’
12 I 'd like to put one simple note and I think it 'll have to be simple for him to understand it but I would like to put one simple notion to him and that is that there is great merit in having public services sharing by people from all social classes .
13 This year it 's on profit , on budget at the half-way stage and I expect it to be on budget by the end of the year .
14 But I 'll get on to my resolution which is unemployment benefit and I 'll say this it 's a bloody disgrace and I mean it .
15 It 's a conscious decision and I think it 's important that men understand a woman who is offering an alternative lifestyle .
16 It 's one-party rule for the foreseeable future and I find it depressing . ’
17 It was a little variegated ivy and I had it indoors , in the hall .
18 I had a little stomach-ache and I thought it was something I 'd eaten .
19 It was too much for a little girl and I think it rather put me off chapel .
20 It 's a memory-hungry process and I found it worked best on machines with more than 4Mb of RAM .
21 The above is an exact quote from their letter to a national newspaper and I find it very interesting , as indeed will those involved in the case .
22 ‘ If only there 'd been more time , ’ said Kelly , ‘ I 'd have tried to help her work out a clear-cut characterisation , but we had a tight schedule and I left it up to her . ’
23 So what what I 'm that that that 's the sort of basic outline and I see it as an opportunity of putting the name in front of quite a lot of schools
24 Three generations of Aylings ran a respectable newspaper and I handed it over to someone who sent it plummeting down-market , used it to promote an extreme political view and was a thoroughly bad employer . ’
25 No I do n't think so , I started my career with long hair and I like it like this .
26 Erm , the , the regional conference will be a major national and indeed international conference and I think it 's important that are there to participate and influence what goes on in the future .
27 No that 's alright then and er I , I got into , I came , came back sort of when mother died , had to come back suddenly in the middle of the week and then erm I brought me family up as I say and , and my hubby he took , he took us Christmas shopping which is twenty one years ago this , this month the sixteenth my daughter-in-law and I and the little boy and that 's the little boy over there that 's now married , the one with the photograph , he took us shopping at Bishop 's Stortford cos we had n't any shops nothing here then , there was nothing when I first came here it was terrible and we went to Bishop 's Stortford and we came home in the , dinner time and I got erm , had our dinner and everything , had our meal , well we had soup and that was gon na cook at night , er you know , dinner at night so we had soup and that and erm he said I go down to the garage to put a tyre on my car , he came struggling back and within half an hour he was dead at fifty six years old that 's all he was , so I was left to bring up those that was n't married , I was left to bring up er the others you know , er I had the twins with me and Roy one of the boys and erm , er Brian the youngest one and I had to bring them up and I , after I , they , they all got married and I moved , before they got married I just got Brian with me the two twins got married , and I moved into my daughter-in-law 's house next door which was no two , seven , five the other side , I 'm sorry , two , seven , five and er I was in my house though three years that four bedroom and I could n't afford to keep you know big house like that going with just three , my , me and my son so we moved into her house and she had the end one which is still in now , we 'd done a swap and then cos er , er in the later years I was in there oh a long , long while and I loved it and I did n't wan na move but then I found , I was handicapped , I would n't get up the stairs to the toilet so I was moved into this bungalow you see and I had a friend living with me and he erm , he come here to live with me , came to lodge with me because he did n't want to go into Stevenage you see and er , after that erm , after that we , I had this bungalow and er I moved into this bungalow and er he moved in here with me and er everything happened when I got in this bungalow .
28 It 's a great event and I hope it continues .
29 But talk about a hassle they wanted , they , well they picked the be the pr you know the present that you c you claim erm , a deep fryer and I think it was in March time and by July it still had n't come in spite of ringing and writing and everything else
30 but she sold her house in Jersey , her husband retires in July , the school break , and erm and she said I 've got some good , er when I got home from wherever I 'd been , Rudy left me a note to say phone Val good news and I thought it were her back was good news , but she said no me medical problems were not good news , they dare n't operate cos me back 's in such a state and they have n't give her much hope for anything apart from a wheelchair sort of thing , later on in life and erm , but she said that I 've got a bit of good news I 've sold me house so I said ooh lovely , so she said I do n't know any more but I ring you and let you know , the next night she phoned me back , she said yeah me house has gone they got two hundred and twenty thousand for it , they wanted them out a week on Thursday
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