Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But her desire to be a ballerina was more than just an adolescent fancy and she returned to New York to study at the American School of Ballet .
2 George 's face registered total disbelief and he turned to the telephone .
3 ‘ With free trade the European community is becoming a strong force and we want to be a part of it ’ , says Nereaux-Weber .
4 Certainly there were new developments after 1660 which created new sources of political tension and which fed into the emergence of party , whilst over time the parties modified and adapted their positions to cope with new problems , issues and contingencies .
5 The ‘ Old Believers ’ , as the schismatics became known , lacked intellectual vigour , but their protest gave expression to more general social discontent and they contributed to popular revolts from that of Stenka Razin ( 1670–71 ) onwards .
6 I go inside and Chris goes on the top deck and we meet on a quiet corner near the end of the Landing Stage , ’ Maureen said .
7 A semiconductor product is defined as : an article the purpose , or one of the purposes , of which is the performance of an electronic function and which consists of two or more layers , at least one of which is composed of semiconducting material and in or upon one or more of which is fixed a pattern appertaining to that or another function .
8 I rose this morning after a few days of calm without mystical experience and I walked through a steep valley in a golden light of dawn that was like a rich but transparent garment covering all things .
9 Historians study social change and they focus on particular events for their data .
10 and he 's got er rather curly hair and he comes into the Pentam
11 for young people and if one of the things that corporations to my mind have a positive duty to do which is the social responsibility and we live in a society so increasingly fractured , rudderless and you know not so far away in places from anarchy that they have a duty to do things which effect maybe to see one the Bs not the A ones the Bs
12 Well we were lucky in that we 've been able to do , have a , a very good relationship with a company called well known in the marine side and they put in forty five thousand pounds into er the scheme and promised that before Christmas and that was reading the paper one day in November the , the Robert the National Heritage Minister saying that they may be , may , if you 're lucky , going to put some money into sport and er so we contacted them and we were one of the first sports to get , had money doubled as they say in the bingo hall , so we er we now have ninety , ninety thousand pounds and which I wh has been distributed or will be distributed in the , in the following way so that 's how we 're gon na spend it and er these er , the administration represent we were basically overwhelmed with enquiries and s we took on a person in order to , to do it , the normal R Y A staff had already got enough on so we took on a girl called Sara who answers all the queries on the Year of Youth Hotline and erm we are also running the boat shows , the four or five N B L challenge which is the flagship event for our sponsors which is er I wo n't go into the , the details but is a , a talent fight , talent spotting event for under sixteen year olds around the country and it provided fleet of dinghies , the prize for which is a dinghy which is not , not a bad prize I think you 'll agree .
13 We knew about the social side and we knew about the , the shop was our shop .
14 It provides the framework for an interpretation of action but the full story is only revealed by an examination of the rules which direct action and which provide for the interpretation of situations .
15 There was all this unstated sexual intention and we went to the toilets at Finchley Road tube station and I did n't know what was going to happen .
16 In the Structure Plan this was regarded , at least in original proposals , as a strategic site for port-related industry and it remained as industrial land in the final version .
17 They are hard up , you know , heavens they 're run they drive a crapped out , clapped out old car and they live in a ghastly little bungalow in the middle of nowhere .
18 And mis the the constructors here they loaned us different equipment and we worked from Monday to Friday getting the things ready we worked all day Saturday doing the show , and we worked all day Sunday clearing the field !
19 It was an immediate transformation of my personal and social outlook and it started in me a new sort of excitement — it was as though you 'd been shot full of adrenalin .
20 So is the formula for the famous cheese soufflé which so wonderfully conceals melting whole poached eggs , an old dish of French cookery and one served by Boulestin at a luncheon given at his restaurant to celebrate the publication by Cassells on 26 September 1936 , of the autobiography entitled Myself , My Two Countries .
21 In the absence of non-gravitational forces the second law describes a body in free fall and we show in Section 6.5 that such a path is a geodesic in space–time .
22 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
23 From Nirex 's new timetable it is clear that the lab has very little to do with rigorous scientific investigation and everything to do with pulling the wool over the eyes of [ local ] people . "
24 Three Mutawas had been told of the indignation from the foreign community and they stood with the armed guards at the entry of the delivery theatre to ensure that no sympathetic foreigner assisted the girl to escape .
25 Self-pity is a totally contemptible vice and I have throughout many vicissitudes and much unmerited disappointment avoided it as a plague .
26 The reasons underlying that decision and the factors that my right hon. Friend and I took into account are fully set out in the letter of 1 November to the chairman of the Countryside Council for Wales , copies of which have been placed in the Library .
27 It is obviously impractical to have bulky salivary glands in the slender retractile proboscis and they lie at its inner end , anterior of the cerebral commissure .
28 There was no formal power play there , it was just that the very fabric of his psyche was about being central , the central person , the interesting person and everybody collaborated in that .
29 I have not been in the House as long as the hon. Gentleman and I defer to his experience .
30 All ten of us crammed onto the porch to keep out of the wet grass and we slept in a tangle of sleeping bags , packs and machine guns .
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