Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 She said : ‘ Experience elsewhere has shown that people with head injuries need a concentrated level of service in the early stages .
2 An obvious method is to advertise but be careful that you aim the right kind Of advertising in the right direction , otherwise it is money badly spent .
3 Ralph King must be a very active 70 year old to attempt such an ambitious project , namely to cover the broad field of safety in the process industry in one volume without assistance from other experts .
4 They are advised to choose the compulsory modules for an extra field , not only to encourage breadth of study but also to serve as a foundation for a possible change of field in the future .
5 Sturge chairman David Coleridge said : ‘ Wise Speke 's performance in the first half year suffered from the depressed level of activity in the Stock Market as a result of political and economic uncertainty prior to the General Election .
6 Days before the explosions the water company had been told by local people of the strong smell of gas in the district , but it had not ordered an evacuation .
7 ‘ There is a strong tide of change in the rural areas .
8 In the political literature of Calvinism in the 1570s this old argument is pushed significantly further .
9 The Belfast headmaster was highly popular , both with the players and with the media , but the Murphy appointment will mean a definite change of emphasis in the driver 's seat .
10 As stated previously , Dunning and colleagues ( 1984 ) show how football crowd violence had a low level of incidence in the post-war years , but rose in frequency from the mid-sixties on .
11 She did not look at Giles at all as she spoke and the sentences piled one upon another , without restraint , like a flow of thought ; there was even a low level of enjoyment in the sense of release .
12 Foremost among these economic constraints is the markedly low level of complementarity in the structure of production of the two regions .
13 There is a growing consensus that one of the major factors contributing to the relatively poor record of labour productivity in Britain is the low level of skill in the workforce compared with that of the major competitors .
14 The shadow Chancellor , Gordon Brown , warned that inflation was set to rise again later this year and identified the central problem as ‘ the low level of activity in the economy ’ .
15 Relatively ‘ self-contained ’ and cohesive social groups such as peasants and church-going Catholics , generally knowing whom to trust and with a low level of organization in the NSDAP , were now often unrestrained in their attacks .
16 Erm I go along with the brigadier on this , I do n't approve of any of the things I 've heard this evening , and I do n't believe that that is the normal course of action in the Army .
17 But the broad measure of money in the economy , M4 , fell last month to an annual rate of 3.2 per cent from 3.7 per cent in December — below the 4-8 per cent target range set by the Chancellor , Norman Lamont .
18 With the exception of French , study of all of the languages described below may be begun in Edinburgh , in specially-planned courses ( designated 1A courses ) that enable the student to reach an advanced level of proficiency in the first year .
19 In this emphasis on personal success and achievement we can see a strong thread of individualism in the physics students ' world-view ; they are keenly aware of competition between individuals both in higher education and in the labour market .
20 For most of those around him , life was a simple matter ordered by the pharaoh and the gods , by the annual rise and fall of the River and the three seasons , by the narrow strip of green in the desert along which they existed .
21 If most of what was sometimes called ‘ the payroll vote ’ attended , the critics would have to carry seven-tenths of the backbenchers and if this had ever happened , the press would have treated it as a total collapse of confidence in the government .
22 N : My own private piece of sky in the pie
23 Criticism of the illogicality of the Opposition must take into account the complete collapse of faith in the government by the end of 1938 .
24 The team also found that long term potentiation led to the persistent elevation of cAMP in the cells , while short term potentiation was associated with only a transient elevation of cAMP .
25 MEMBERS of the radical black Pan Africanist Congress were told by their leader yesterday to brace themselves for a bitter struggle as they celebrated the 33rd anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre with a fiery demonstration of militancy in the township where the killings occurred .
26 with a narrow fan of glass in the transom ; two elegant sashcord windows flanking it .
27 The low murmur of conversation in the hotel 's sun lounge was like the crashing of waves to Kelly as she entered to see Annie at a corner table .
28 The economically equitable assumptions behind changes in the property law often , for instance , came into conflict with inherited beliefs about the proper division of labour in the family and ideologies of femininity — and the latter usually won .
29 As a result of the stimulus given by Governments , mostly Conservative , to the building of small houses , and the free play of competition in the building industry , costs fell greatly , till the average cost of a council house in 1939 was £380 , instead of £930 in 1920 .
30 A long plastic tube containing a tasty morsel of food in the middle was placed in their cage .
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