Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] as [pron] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 By the time he reached the high moor , visibility was restricted by a swirling mass as he was exposed to the full force of the blizzard .
2 This is the technique favoured by the British Deaf Association as it is thought to give the child the greatest chance of expression and understanding .
3 Colin French has a long record for animal cruelty , and there were cheers in the public gallery as he was taken away .
4 Three related projects comprise this research programme , each of which explores some aspect of contemporary change and development in British society as it is reflected in , and affected by , different kinds of local areas .
5 TWO policemen armed only with truncheons rescued a 40-year-old man as he was savaged by two pit bull terriers in a west London street yesterday .
6 The initial distribution between capitation and other expenditure followed an incremental approach as it was based on previous patterns of expenditure .
7 It 's easier now : I remember when I was first in the TV newsroom , the foreign round-up as it was called went from pictures of policemen in Peru beating demonstrators , to a volcano erupting in the Philippines , to a hurricane in the Caribbean , to more police beating up more people somewhere else .
8 A requirement to minimise , even to trivialise the aesthetic — one might almost say , a fear of the aesthetic — is the hollowness at the heart of historical materialism as it is defended here .
9 Conservative Governments have honoured that commitment in full and , as a result , continuous strikes , the British disease as they are known , have been eliminated .
10 We must therefore conclude that social class as it is used in stratificational studies is a proxy variable covering distinctions in life-style , attitude and belief as well as differential access to wealth , power and prestige .
11 John Bitumen ( or Raging Bullshit as he 's known amongst his colleagues ) , is never one to sit on the fence ( vandalising it is more to his nature ) .
12 Approximately 1,250 pages of new information were produced by 3.5 typists , and this involved a lot of unpaid overtime as it was supported with a mere extra £1,000 for limited additional typing help .
13 But while the Section d'Or represented the high point of the Cubist movement as it was presented to the public , and while the influence of Cubism daily became more powerful and widespread , many painters who had been Cubist , or had moved in Cubist circles , were already abandoning the style or using certain aspects of it as points of departure for developing completely new art forms .
14 Did the inclusion of 'subsidiary " invalidate the restrictive covenant as it was accepted that many subsidiaries did not deal in the mail order business ( one was a restaurant in Alice Springs ) .
15 Please indicate whether it is correct for the new season by inserting ‘ Correct 1981/82 ’ or amend as necessary and return immediately to the office sending any additional information as it is obtained .
16 Cameras were hurriedly produced , which was no easy matter as we were squeezed in a very small boat , and everyone was in everyone else 's way as we tried to take photographs .
17 Thus the element of moral instruction entered Indirect Rule as it was practised in the Nigerian emirates-though in a system so deliberately obfuscatory it was not easy to see how such instruction could be provided .
18 The court heard how the river turned a milky white colour as it was contaminated with toxic residue from shampoo , moisturiser , and hair lightener products .
19 Brown paid the price for his fast start as he was passed by Irish vets champion Billy McKay of Albertville .
20 In the world of an inside ethnography as Favret-Saada identifies , ‘ one is never able to choose between subjectivism and the objective method as it was taught ’ ( ibid. 23 ) , so long as one wishes to find out answers which , in traditional ethnography , are often missing from the finite corpus of empirical observation .
21 Exhaust gases from the Trionic Saab 9000CS were purer than the surrounding air as it was driven through London .
22 To get an idea of some of the many different features that can be produced , consider what happens to a single , large flow as it is traced from its source to its tip .
23 There was a fresh breeze and the canoe shipped water in a choppy sea as it was launched , forcing the paddlers to ditch all their gear except a tommy-gun , a Colt 45 , and their signalling equipment .
24 The former is of unusual design as it was built in two storeys ( largely in the fourteenth century ) , one church above the other .
25 It would be possible to record every business transaction directly into the ledger , but the volume would be very great ; therefore , most businesses keep subsidiary books , or books of prime entry as they are called , and post only the totals periodically to the appropriate account in the ledger .
26 This effect gathered force as it was incorporated into political strategy , picked up by other media , entered into gossip , and thus came to overshadow immediate reality as it might have been recorded by an observer on the scene .
27 It was the repercussions of this relatively minor event in the Balkans that led to the Great War as it was called , the First World War .
28 For like millions of other readers he was following the slow northward progress of the escaped eagle as it was reported day by day in most of the popular newspapers .
29 We were always the guests of some local parish priest , and our outings were great fun as we were allowed to run more or less wild once we had arrived .
30 The patient would have to have an almost normal trunk , without any associated reactions or increased spasticity as he was placed in the prone position on the plinth .
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