Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] with [adj] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Police are keeping an open mind about a possible link with similar attacks elsewhere in the Midlands .
2 The Open champion had blitzed the famous old course with six birdies when he reached the 17th tee .
3 He enters into a social contract with other men only in order to preserve his own interest and ( in some versions ) pleasure .
4 And what 's more , at most Clubs there 's free wine with main meals too … the ideal formula for relaxing and making friends !
5 A young mother living in a damp flat with unheated bedrooms where the mould appears in charcoal blots across the wall , has a child who has suffered several bouts of pneumonia and now has chest convulsions .
6 Consider , for example , three contrasts commonly drawn by scholars when comparing our modern scientific age with earlier times when magic prevailed .
7 I suppose about one and a half yards , perhaps not that , square and in the corner there was what they called , what we had the copper for boiling the clothes , make it with small coal and , and coal and wood and paper and boil the water and , and my mother used to do the washing there and we had a big old mangle with wooden rollers out in the back yard , that was always out in the back yard .
8 In an attack on all computer book publishers ( including themselves ) , they see the scramble to publish books on every piece of newly released software as resulting in shelves full of regurgitated documentation — modified either for the novice or the power user and thus leaving the average user with intermediate skills out in the cold .
9 Only his wife remained , a scrawny figure with gold-rimmed spectacles half-way down her nose , presiding like a recording angel over her ledgers .
10 Group Membership was mentioned , but thought to be a retrograde step the Sports Council favours Individual Membership with special categories i.e. Over 60s — Under 16 's — those on Social Security — those attending certain specialised classes .
11 A few miles west from Garry Bridge is Queen 's View , a rocky , pine-clad promontory with stunning views westwards down Loch Tummel to graceful Schiehallion .
12 Despite the end of the cloth trade , two World Wars and a major fire , Woodchester Mill has remained a busy working site with Woodchester-built pianos still managing to find their way to every corner of the globe .
13 Will the fish chosen mix with other fishes already housed in the aquarium both those of the same species and members of other fish families ?
14 Actuarial analysis of the subgroups according to the stone mass ( size and number ) selected an ideal patient population with solitary stones less than 20 mm diameter ( 84% stone free after one year ) .
15 The two sides are among a group of clubs setting the pace in the Bord Gais National League with four points apiece .
16 This non-punitive paradigm will provide a framework for contrasting the efficacy of current practice with future plans inappropriately to transform probation work into ‘ a new approach to punishment in the community ’ ( p. 18 , para. 4.3 ) .
17 Good bonding with reliable adhesives also makes for a good leak-free join .
18 Although I do not propose to go into the details of the church here , suffice to say , it struck me as a very curious place with many things strangely out of kilter .
19 Any such attempt will necessarily result in a segmented Community with some countries further progressing towards integration while others become satellite economies .
20 The increase in the equilibrium level of national income following an increase in government spending ( in a closed economy with lump-sum taxes only ) is where b is the marginal propensity to consume .
21 This speaker shows a very regular pattern with certain environments categorically low and others categorically mid .
22 I think the end result was that erm I say this man was dead so Married man with four children just coming home from work , minding his own business .
23 I know it would be a terrible risk with ninety-nine men out of a hundred , but I think he 's the hundredth .
24 An endearing creature with curly ringlets instead of fur , the Mimicke Dog was featured in Edward Topsell 's seventeenth-century Historie of Foure-Footed Beasts .
25 I dressed him in this huge pink shirt with maroon spots on , with a big maroon and pink ruff and little knee britches in grey with red velvet stripes on them .
26 Growing confrontation with political opponents rapidly became a method of obtaining much-needed publicity , once Rothermere 's support had evaporated .
27 He had new cases made for the shells , covered in scarlet Genoese velvet with two rows round of gilt-headed upholstery nails on the lid , the sides and ends blank-panelled with a single row of the same .
28 It would also be our contention that there should not be an attempt to direct traffic er in a northerly direction onto the A sixty one itself , beyond Killinghall because it is a particularly hazardous road with considerable bends on and I would be inclined to think it was far safer to direct them to the A one via the A fifty nine and southern bypass .
29 Secondary infection with other bacteria sometimes occurs and there may be widespread tissue destruction leading to loss of the penis in some cases .
30 Stitch a plain seam with right sides together .
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