Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] come [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 An ill-defined report of a possible murder comes out of the small racing town of Lambourn .
2 US design was offering the evergreen Chevrolet Corvette but the most interesting car coming out of the US — via Britain — was the Ford GT40 , originally a Lola design .
3 There are two periods of Romanesque in Spain : the basic Spanish product , of buildings erected before the great southward expansion in the late eleventh century and a transitional style of Late Romanesque of twelfth and thirteenth century work , resulting both from this expansion and from the French influence coming in from the north-east .
4 The unsmiling housekeeper came in with the tea things .
5 Eventually Jim 's old caddie came out of the woodwork again and I carried on for one or two other pros .
6 A final interesting point to come out of the survey was that considering the importance the Japanese place on the quality and design of products , only 6% of respondents considered these to be a barrier to their performance .
7 Now this is a a British lorry coming down in the offside lane , cos it 's only two lanes .
8 AN old friend came up in the street yesterday and said : ‘ My , you look well , have you been on holiday , you 've got a tan . ’
9 Warm wet plastic came out of the end of the pipe .
10 It is this incredible flexibility that allows us to juggle page layouts in just a few minutes and produce a fresh piece of artwork each time rather than wait hours , even days , for the re-worked page to come back from the artist 's studio .
11 An old man came out of the baker 's and his young dog greeted him .
12 The inrush of fresh air came in through the room , circulated , inter mixed with the vapour laden air in the lounge .
13 Just off the Kurfurstendam , it is the first British project to come out of the ground in the city .
14 And er I remember going to the doctor 's with me Mother and where as we sat in the surgery which was packed , eventually the old doctor come out of the door old .
15 Pessimistic in the sense that is says people are basically nasty , and if society is to be possible , then nastiness has to be controlled in some way or other , and since human nature is anti-social , social order comes about against the grain of human nature as a rule , has to be imposed on human nature .
16 A more stylish and dramatic return to English tradition came about through the Arts and Crafts Movement , which stood for integrity and truthfulness and believed whole-heartedly in the use of local craftsmen and materials .
17 ’ ‘ It 's funny to think that just this afternoon I had the idea of getting poor old Eddy to come over to the Gates and tell me something about himself …
18 One day a German officer came in to the camp to supervise work that was being done on some primitive drains by Polish forced labour .
19 And when the bridal party came out into the church porch and stood blinking and smiling in the winter daylight , Sir Felix Lark , his wild eyes excessively unstable , was instantly at Linnet 's elbow , topping the suave invitations of Mr Adolphus Moon to meet his artistic friends with offers to mount her for the Far Flatley hunt .
20 He had reached the corner of his street and was searching in his pocket for his key , when a dark figure came out of the shadows and crossed the road towards him .
21 Then there 's the question of whether an extra club comes up from the Vauxhall Conference to replace Aldershot and the possibility of clubs moving to new grounds . ’
22 THE ALTO saxophonist Arthur Blythe is just about the most accessible performer to come out of the free jazz movement of the '60s and '70s .
23 to most of it and we would n't be producing too much unburnt fuel coming out of the back , you know
24 ‘ Six months later , comprehensive education comes in in the county of Swessex .
25 As I waited , a woman in a light coloured dress and a short dark jacket came out of the house next door to his .
26 As they watched , a burly man came out of the farm and crossed to one of the three barns .
27 A favourite spot for horse-riders , ramblers and walkers , the right of way which runs in a straight line from a point close to the Royal Naval School comes out at the Hindhead gibbet .
28 This in turn means that over the course of geological time , the continents have been , and are , getting steadily bigger … do n't worry , though , the extra real-estate coming on to the market wo n't make mortgages any easier to get !
29 The evening light came through the skylights high overhead , glossing the scurfy backs , the sores , the scabby manes , and a soft echo came back from the walls of the vast , bare concrete building of animal content , feeding .
30 When that white light comes down at the end
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