Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] may [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For many people living on their own , their social world may revolve around visits from or to relatives .
2 An excess of meats and spices cause aggression while too great a consumption of dairy foods and those with a high fat content may bring about depressive tendencies and lethargy .
3 In this first level relationship , the educational institution may seek out gifts or they may be unsolicited but the relationship essentially involves the giving and receiving of gifts .
4 Even the attentive parent may wonder why F. D. Eastman 's Are you my mother ? or the current number of The Dandy has such a hold over their child .
5 ALTHOUGH the name Castalian Band may conjure up images of something exotically Mediterranean , the ensemble has its roots firmly placed in Scotland , writes Carol Main .
6 Alcuin [ q.v. ] says that Offa shed much blood to secure Ecgfrith 's position , and if this refers to a purge of the royal kindred may explain why Cenwulf was so distant a relative .
7 This is a lucrative business , since the price of sponsoring a series such as Nescafe 's Network Pop Chart can approach £500,000 , while a one-hour programme reaching 70 per cent of independent local radio may cost around £20,000 , with three namechecks during the broadcast , and up to 10 in trailers .
8 Local tradition may indicate where cottages stood until recently , but the fieldworker should be aware that much earlier structures may also have occupied the same sites .
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