Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] as it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is the technique favoured by the British Deaf Association as it is thought to give the child the greatest chance of expression and understanding .
2 Three related projects comprise this research programme , each of which explores some aspect of contemporary change and development in British society as it is reflected in , and affected by , different kinds of local areas .
3 A requirement to minimise , even to trivialise the aesthetic — one might almost say , a fear of the aesthetic — is the hollowness at the heart of historical materialism as it is defended here .
4 In developing a thorough electronic information resource in the current climate of Town Hall life it is just as important to improve the facilities for a central electronic archive as it is to ensure that the paper records are properly looked after .
5 We must therefore conclude that social class as it is used in stratificational studies is a proxy variable covering distinctions in life-style , attitude and belief as well as differential access to wealth , power and prestige .
6 Please indicate whether it is correct for the new season by inserting ‘ Correct 1981/82 ’ or amend as necessary and return immediately to the office sending any additional information as it is obtained .
7 To get an idea of some of the many different features that can be produced , consider what happens to a single , large flow as it is traced from its source to its tip .
8 He/she must not only offer an accurate description of the death-like oppressiveness of the capitalist world as it is developing in the first half of the twentieth century , but must also depict accurately and without facile romanticism or glib sentimentality , the angry and determined political struggle of men and women refusing to acquiesce to the oppressive forces of capitalist society .
9 JUNE SEES the end of the old 10p piece as legal currency as it is replaced by the new smaller version .
10 Or , if we prefer it , we may say the physical body as it is described by the anatomist is the more ghostly thing , a phantasy of cells and cell assemblies , a convenient way of talking about ourselves and that we really are more or less what we feel ourselves to be . ’
11 This could apply to trade advertising , or business-to-business advertising as it is called now , particularly if this is highly technical .
12 In the British and the American cases it is as necessary to contextualise the production of knowledges about the inner city as it is to unpack the glossary of terms of urban regeneration used in contemporary political discourse .
13 The aim of the research is to identify the main characteristics of this occupational group as it is represented by the employees of The Alloa Brewery Company 's managed pubs and hotels in Scotland .
14 Yet again , the present-day philosophy of the Shias in Lebanon is based as much upon their own political history as it is directed by their religious belief .
15 In perpetuating a financial structure which offers tremendous advantages to large firms , it is as important to consider the role of the state in maintaining the idiosyncrasies of the financial system as it is to debate the extent of state control over commercial banks .
16 Nabumetone is an attempt to overcome direct contact between the drug and the small intestinal mucosa as it is ingested as a prodrug and metabolised to the active drug after absorption .
17 The formula for calculating the tension of an open-wound string is likely to give a figure over 10 per cent too high because the theory behind it does not consider the deviation of the winding wire from a circular cross-section as it is bent around the core .
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