Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I assure my hon. Friend that we look forward to receiving any further written representations that he has in addition to the cogent case that he has put before the House today .
2 Although the operation was deferred until July , Eliot spent a period in hospital on account of an attack of his chest complaint , which may have owed its onset on this occasion to the emotional blow that he had received .
3 Dandelion took up his cue with the same plucky readiness that he had shown in the wood .
4 It was just a step away from the immediate public recognition that he had to learn to live with .
5 Will my hon. Friend confirm that the terms of reference for the public inquiry that he has announced today will allow the inspector the option of recommending that my right hon. Friend refuse the National Grid Company 's application ?
6 His writing , prose and poetry demanded rigorous attention , and received it with the same daily routine that he had established earlier : three pages a day , writing and rewriting , creative and self-critical .
7 A more important new tendency appeared in another Roman opera ( 1626 ) , La catena d'Adone by Domenico Mazzocchi ( 1592–1665 ) , who remarks in a note to the published score that he has inserted a number of ‘ mezz'Arie ’ which ‘ break the tedium of the recitative ’ ( che rompono il tedio del recitativo ) .
8 Aurel Dragos Munteanu , appointed director of Romanian Television and Radio during the first days of the December revolution , resigned on Feb. 9 after widespread public criticism that he had manipulated broadcasting to benefit the NSF .
9 Mr Justice Hoffman said in the High Court that he had decided to suspend judgment until he knew how soon the House of Lords was likely to hear an appeal against an order forcing Mr William Goodwin , aged 23 , who works on the Engineer magazine , to reveal confidential information .
10 When the future Cardinal Richelieu entered government service for the first time in 1616 he found available so little essential documentation on foreign policy that he had to ask French representatives abroad to send him copies of the instructions they had been given : without this he could not know even what the policies of his immediate predecessor had been .
11 When he finally returned to power , he was careful not to preside over the new Gaullist party , the UNR , in the same direct way that he had led the RPF .
12 Between June 3 and June 6 Teddy Taylor , a United Kingdom Conservative MP , informed the UK Foreign Office that he had met with Col. Moamer al Kadhafi and Foreign Minister Ibrahim Bishara on a recent visit to Libya ; he had brought back a " package of proposals " for restoring relations between the two countries , and a £250,000 cheque for a UK police charity from the Libyan police union .
13 Young though they were , her pupils knew she could not provide the amount of professional work that he had to offer .
14 The additional money that he has given to health and school building and repairs will also be welcomed by the people of Scotland .
15 To press his case , de Gaulle again employed the tactics of withdrawal and threatened resignation that he had used with the British in 1941 and 1942 .
16 In the early stages of his political career , Ian Paisley depended a great deal on the Free Presbyterian Church , largely because it was through his evangelistic work that he had become well known .
17 He had simply hesitated to take the plunge and stake on a worthwhile weekend with her , and it was pure chance that he had made up his mind just after he had learned her name .
18 Charles could have chosen any excuse for the phone call and it was pure chance that he had lighted on the meaningless ‘ numberplate racket ’ I ‘ So that 's what made you drive down in the Datsun , and move the plan forward , and lose a quarter of a million pounds ? ’
19 However , the enforcement agent in a compliance system regards prosecution as a sign of failure , where in a sanctioning system it becomes visible evidence that he has done his job .
20 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
21 Soviet sources charged that Ghotbzadeh had made ‘ the totally unsupported claim that he had obtained Soviet concurrence in his proposal ’ and had maintained that ‘ an understanding had allegedly been reached between Iran and the Soviet Union on some kind of principles for a settlement in Afghanistan , including the imposition of ‘ neutrality ’ on that country ’ .
22 Merrill had the distinct feeling that he had noticed her distraction and she could only hope he had n't guessed the reason for it .
23 He was left with the distinct feeling that he had encountered someone from the spirit world on that early midsummer 's morning .
24 All at once she had the uncomfortable feeling that he had found some deeper meaning in her remark and was silently agreeing with her ; then he laughed , and the moment passed .
25 As a demob-happy Member of the House , may I ask the Secretary of State whether he realises the absolute shambles that he has made of Territorial Army recruitment ?
26 There remained one small personal matter that he had to attend to before he finally committed himself .
27 Was the vicious rumour that he had turned up late after a liquid lunch and did n't know what he was voting for true ?
28 Mechanically he had taken each drink offered without thinking , for the simple reason that he had spent the entire journey staring out of the cabin window into the infinity of space .
29 ‘ Story of my life , ’ he growls when a red declines to go into a pocket for the simple reason that he has hit it at the wrong angle .
30 Sometimes he wanted to practise , and might well require an hour or so on the putting green , or sometimes he fancied a pint or two of some obscure real ale that he had heard of in the vicinity .
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