Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of trends in tobacco smoking ( and by implication of trends in the diseases to which it contributes ) the sum of Australian experience supports the view that centrally coordinated action that is adequately funded and deliberately built on broad based support can speed the fall in smoking prevalence .
2 perhaps the loss of social interaction that is normally associated with mealtimes contributes to this .
3 In the fish Poeciliopsis males of a sexual species contribute to every ‘ unisexual ’ offspring an expressed haploid genome that is then discarded at meiosis .
4 The Hamilton depression rating scale is a reliable instrument that is particularly weighted towards and sensitive to change in somatic symptoms rather than psychological and cognitive factors .
5 It will be recalled that temperature and cortisol show a daily rhythm that is much influenced by the body clock and this suggests , but does not prove , that humans and other primates are very similar with regard to the site of the body clock .
6 Recently , there has been a moving together again , but in the 1930s there developed at the University of Chicago a tradition of social research that is now known as the ‘ Chicago School ’ .
7 Programmes are now being directed towards preventing relapse in a smoking population that is increasingly composed of people who have tried several times to stop : among smokers surveyed in 1990 , 42% reported having tried to stop in the previous year ( unpublished data , Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer ) .
8 This protein rapidly hydrolyses p- nitrophenyl phosphate ( pNPP ) , a chromogenic molecule that is structurally related to phosphotyrosine ( Fig. 3 b ) .
9 Hot water from the boiler passes through the hot cylinder , and heats up stored water that is then fed to the hot taps .
10 Perhaps those artists mentioned who worked in several ways — like Hartley or Guston or Morris — will be shown in a manner that suggests some of the aesthetic connective tissue that is otherwise ignored , but if they are represented only by their signature work a great deal will be missing .
11 He referred to an old paper that is regularly recycled by one of the unions .
12 This great weakness of vulnerability to fragmentation , is to be found in all established religions and it is this which has prevented any of them ever being able to offer to the rest of the world anything even approaching a promise of the universal happiness that is so desired .
13 The ‘ softening ’ of the spectrum ( the steady increase in the relative proportion of lower energy photons ) is a stamp of white-hole radiation that is often found in gamma-ray bursts .
14 The question is interesting in part because of an erroneous answer that is sometimes given to it .
15 Most work situations provide people with a social network that is often taken entirely for granted , and which is missed only after retirement .
16 The A.C. is also to share a relevant simple story that is clearly related to the goal .
17 But it 's a rich and cautious side that is weirdly contradicted by a fierce self-belief and a currently all-enveloping passion for his band , a real do-or-die enthusiasm that 's frustratingly absent from so many .
18 There are 8 ‘ corner ’ pieces , 12 ‘ edge ’ pieces , 6 ‘ centre ’ pieces ( which are the centres of the cube faces and might be called ‘ face ’ pieces ) and a central piece that is never seen .
19 The Security light by Siemens is supplied with a rechargeable batter that is constantly trickled charged in daytime by a detachable solar panel .
20 I hope that my right hon. Friend will be able to provide not only the extra helicopters that are needed but the extra security that is desperately needed all the way across the Bristol channel .
21 With political change , the established constitutional authorities find themselves in a situation where they are forced to come to terms with new and emerging patterns of political power and practice that are outside ( but pressing in on ) the established constitution that is supposedly made sense of through their theories .
22 More importantly , they show how , even in what is regarded as the most basic type of communication , the context that is relevant to the disambiguation of deixis should be seen not as a physical setting that is fixed and given once and for all , but rather as a cognitive space that is actively constructed by participants in the course of the interaction .
23 When will the Minister admit that it is him and his Government who are responsible for all the problems , including the appalling homelessness that is subsequently caused ?
24 From the point of view of security you do not want a door that is all glass , neither do you want a hollow plywood-type door that is easily kicked in .
25 Alongside Brüggen , the 84-year-old Toscanini seems positively accommodating ; though it should be added that , apart from the two conductors ' fondness for quick tempos , their approaches are radically different , with Toscanini 's string players allowed to draw on a singing legato style that is generally denied Brüggen 's period instrumentalists .
26 If these are collected before they sink and are placed in a jar of water in a cool airy place , they will start into growth much sooner , and , by providing much needed surface shade , can do much to combat the algal growth that is invariably experienced in early spring .
27 Len possessed that amazing ability that is sometimes found in footballers , to ‘ hang ’ in the air for a fraction of a second , so enabling him to obtain greater power and better direction from the ensuing header .
28 During this period , wild and woolly concepts of ‘ national grids ’ of leys were published and thick black pencil lines defaced countless maps — naive enthusiasm that is still held up for ridicule by ley sceptics .
29 Adding to physiological disturbances is the psychological distress that is invariably involved .
30 The parallel-derived , series-inserted feedback with unity feedback fraction makes it a very valuable circuit that is much used as a buffer in electronics .
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