Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is in a rather different sense that it is said of the wicked that they will soon fade like the grass ( Ps 37.2 ) , for there it is not an inbuilt weakness of the human constitution that accounts for the imminent death of the wicked but a fate peculiar to wrongdoers .
2 And I figured that it would be more than a racing cert that it was situated in another alleyway .
3 Hilary Frome had made no decisions yet about his future , beyond the one crucial decision that it was going to be a distinguished one .
4 This proposal to establish a council which would in effect supervise the government of the realm while the king was overseas was the clearest echo of the Ordinances , though with the crucial difference that it was to function only as long as the king was out of the realm : it was not the intention of the commons to subject the king permanently to conciliar restraint .
5 Those which went to Moscow from the west were fed by the Russian government ; and the ceremonial presentation each day of food to the foreigners was considered of such symbolic importance that it was kept up even during the terrible famine of 1601 – 03 , the worst in all Russian history .
6 Moreover , a third party may be prohibited from using confidential information where he obtains the information with actual knowledge that it was received as a result of a breach of confidence .
7 An historic mansion looks set to be sold to a private buyer , despite its owner 's dying wish that it be opened to the public .
8 One of them , written by the InstaPlan Corporation of California , has the additional merit that it is sold in several packages starting from the basic planning system .
9 The major exception is the ubiquitous iron knife , perhaps so common and such a personal item that it was felt to be expendable .
10 I mean but see the tremendous strain that it 's putting on me ?
11 When Newham Members raise the problem with social security Ministers , they are given the official answer that it is caused by the number of Somali refugees .
12 One was the simple fact that it was directed at and mediated through adolescent boys , whose conception of the significance of their own behaviour is notably dramatic .
13 It was not until the final pre-Budget meeting that it was dropped , at the insistence of Margaret Thatcher who felt it might sour relations with the press at a time when they would otherwise be enthusing over economic achievements .
14 Anil Gadre , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp 's vice president of systems product marketing , told Unigram last week that it has a 64-bit part that it is playing with , but there is no operating system or applications up and running on it , yet .
15 It is currently a prerequisite of a qualifying corporate bond that it is expressed in sterling and contains no provision for conversion into , or redemption in , a currency other than sterling .
16 John Howell , for Anthony Hazell , the district auditor , said on the second day of a hearing into the legality of the council 's £6bn deals on the market : ‘ The council sold 49 gilt options on the mistaken belief that it was reducing its exposure .
17 The absence of any indication in the world line of the on-board clock that it is crossing the horizon was illustrated in Fig.9.1 and shows that the horizon is not a physical singularity ; rather , it is a mathematical singularity .
18 The instructions were not carried out and the wife signed the deed without reading it , in reliance on the husband 's false representation that it was limited to £60,000 and would last only three weeks .
19 At the beginning of the Kyoto meeting a working party was set up to consider proposals from the southern African countries , which would differentiate between " critically endangered " and " endangered " species , and under which trade would be banned only if there were strong evidence that it was affecting the conservation of the species .
20 This week UK , Cambridge-based IXI Ltd is going to confirm our months-old story that it 's signed HaL Computer Systems to license and bundle IXI 's Motif-compliant desktop manager X.desktop on its anticipated 64-bit Sparc machines ( UX No 388 ) .
21 To represent a happening as unforeseeable , however — and herein lies the explanation for the use of the infinitive with to — one must necessarily evoke a position before its occurrence : the stretch of time leading up to it must be evoked as containing no prior indication that it was going to occur .
22 Were it face-on to us , I suppose that binoculars would show the spiral ; it is a great pity that it is placed at such an unfavourable angle .
23 Encouraging the family to discuss a particular current issue that it is facing is often the best way of assessing the factors noted above .
24 It was , however , of great importance that it was said as clearly as it was by the Council .
25 Brewed by Courage , its name stems from the fact that it was once exported to Russia where it was so popular with the Czarist court that it was brewed under licence in Estonia until the 1917 revolution .
26 There is good evidence that it is associated with individual galaxies as these seem to have dark haloes which extend well beyond the visible stars .
27 It was not a very good day today , and he had a terrible feeling that it was going to get worse .
28 The Lancashire cotton industry grew so spectacularly after 1770 that by 1803 cotton had replaced wool as Britain 's leading export , a pre-eminent position that it was to hold until 1938 .
29 It was not until just before the turn of the present century that it was revived by those who sought to promote the occult and a New Age mentality .
30 I spoke a few introductory words , the young man displayed his lantern slides , explained the plans and provided Wapping with a firm impression that it was to become the Venice of the East End .
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