Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that have [been] used " in BNC.

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1 Because that 's the old term that 's been used for however many years , and it 's still used by industry .
2 By rail you could alight at the tiny wooden platform that has been used by servicemen for decades .
3 Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has been used for other gynaecological problems .
4 Say that the wrong person has been murdered , a basic idea that has been used and used again but which , given other fresh aspects to your book , can very well be made to serve once more .
5 Smoking is a very ancient art that has been used for hundreds of years to preserve fish and meat , preferred to salting because it does not destroy the natural flavour of the food to the same extent .
6 This tendency not to see beyond the individual and his or her legal specialism that has been used before , to the other service available in the firm , is an old-established one — ‘ although , ’ said , ‘ I had hoped we were starting to get past that ’ .
7 One classificatory device that has been used frequently draws distinctions between church , denomination , and sect and cult .
8 Feminists and other progressives have always been uncomfortable with the whole notion of morality , viewing it as an essentially conservative concept that has been used to bolster traditional modes of thinking and undermine efforts for change .
9 Temporary upsurges in militancy during the year , in particular around the question of British intervention in Russia and Ireland , provoked principled stands at national and local levels , not least because it deflected anti-Bolshevik propaganda that had been used consistently against Labour .
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