Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] he have [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 The congregation usually watched him with a perverse relish which he mistook for devout attention , but this Sunday afternoon there was palpably an added curiosity to see how well he managed to live down the shaming comedy he had enacted on horseback a few days before .
2 We sat in silence then , that same peculiar silence he had imposed on the beach the Saturday before .
3 Henry 's first appearance on television was due to a lucky prophecy he had made on the radio phone-in .
4 The little white blossom he 'd seen on the road 's surface was stuck to the boy 's sandshoe ; it was n't a flower , it was a little paper charity flag for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution , the sort you secured to your lapel with a pin .
5 Boulton did not refuse outright but managed to get some mine owners to donate 10 guineas ( £10.50 ) to Murdock for the good work he had done on their engines .
6 He was still wearing the elegantly tailored suit he had worn on that occasion .
7 Nothing could lift his mood — not the fact that his supplier had managed to get his hands on a pirate video of the new Schwarzenegger , nor the really quite healthy profit he had made on the afternoon 's racing at York , nor even the fat Havana cigar to which he had treated himself .
8 The chart-room section held nothing that a chart-room should not have had , including a locked cupboard which Talbot opened in the same cavalier fashion he had used on the bridge : it held only pilot books and sailing directions .
9 Yet for all his own pleasure at tracing this evidence , Dixon could see little in his report which might have accounted for the look of extraordinary triumph he had seen on Morse 's face when he reported in at 2.45 p.m .
10 The safe shelter he had found on the edge of the village could not have been more comfortable , for all that on awakening and having his first lightsome look it struck him as a mite strange .
11 He gave me the inside scoop on the Biggest Wave story : the thirty-five-foot mountain he 'd ridden on 5 January 1985 .
12 Gently , she took the bottle of liquid cream he had used on her ravished buttocks , and poured a liberal dose into the palm of her hand .
13 Removing a pair of surgical gloves , he dropped them inside the open bag he 'd perched on a chair , closed the bag .
14 He is impressed , and depressed too , by the superior technology he has seen on exercises and on television during the Gulf War — the speed and accuracy of US helicopters , the manoeuvrability of their boats , the sensitivity of their detection equipment .
15 With raised eyebrows and the adoption of that cool , emotionless glance he had bestowed on her before , Marc allowed himself a brief , telling scrutiny of her face , then , apparently satisfied with what he read in it , pushed open the door and led the way inside .
16 And in the recent article he had read on the subject , even the sergeant in charge of the course had not believed that any woman would take his one piece of infallible advice .
17 He wore the flying helmet he had affected on the morning of his arrival and those goggles which , when removed , had left him looking like a barn owl , white-ringed eyes blinking in a smut-flecked face .
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