Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have now [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With the bishops also back in the House of Lords , the political tide had now turned very markedly against the Puritans .
2 The sexual pendulum has now swung back to a more central position , and that 's good news !
3 The Maplin unidirectional electret microphone insert specified for this popular project has now sold out , and further supplies are unlikely to be available .
4 Although the western consensus based on the traditional liberal interpretation has now broken down , many of the most distinguished scholars in the field remain firmly committed to it and it continues to inform conventional wisdom among non-specialists in the West .
5 This harassment and unfair bias has now got totally out of hand and has become nonsensical .
6 A special unit set up to track down the missing money has now traced around three hundred million pounds — but there could still be a long legal battle to get some of it returned .
7 The long arm of Mani Pulite has now reached out and grasped the head of Siemens AG 's Italian subsidiary , arresting Giorgio Scanavacca , president of Siemens Telecomunicazioni and managing director of Siemens SpA , on suspicion of corruption : the arrest was reportedly linked to alleged kickbacks to political parties paid to secure contracts with the state telephone company , ASST .
8 The Arab world has now broken up into three separate components and it is difficult to see how they can be reassembled .
9 The Royal Society has now come up with some concrete recommendations for broader-based science education and postponement of specialisation .
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