Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have [verb] the first " in BNC.

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1 A 70-year old woodland has become the first plantation forest to be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI ) by English Nature .
2 The inability of the States of Western Europe to play a decisive role in the solution of these new questions was shown clearly by the impotent resentment with which the French government had to watch the first partition of Poland in 1772 and the Russian annexation of the Crimea in 1783–84 .
3 DESPITE consistently pool weather and a frightening episode in which they were avalanched in their tents , two members of a british expedition have made the first ascent of the South Face of Thalay Sagar , one of the most attempted and failed on mountains in the Indian Charwal Hamalayas .
4 LOTHIAN REGIONAL Council has taken the first step towards a total ban on smoking from 1 January next year .
5 The self-evident gap between fantasy and reality — which is that no government , anywhere , of any political complexion has got the first clue about how to organise society in the post-Cold War world — has led to an aimless disgruntlement , a poisonous mixture of envy and ennui .
6 The man chosen was Russell Butler , a research student in social history at the University of London , who as a part-time tutor had taken the first course for apprentices at Marconi and had greatly impressed both here and in other courses for the branches in Hemel Hempstead and St. Albans .
7 In addition to the third instalment on the Cuyp , the national gallery has made the first instalment on a Cranage painting .
8 She remembered the bride of one year , alight with the happiness of those early celebrations when the Grand Duke had granted the first liberties , and thought how strange it was for an English woman to be so mad with joy .
9 The Belgian government has ordered the first multi-language version of Chemdata from the National Chemical Emergency Centre .
10 The European Commission has accepted the first set of standards worked out for the EC 's ecolabelling scheme , which aims to inform consumers about the environmental impact of particular products .
11 A ROMANTIC couple have become the first Britons to wed in Disney World , Florida .
12 A BABY ostrich called Linford after the Olympic flyer has become the first of his kind to be born in Britain outside a zoo .
13 Today I for the United States , and the General Secretary for the Soviet Union have signed the first agreement ever to eliminate an entire class of U S and Soviet nuclear weapons .
14 A CHILD with a rare inherited disease that affects the immune system has become the first in the world to receive an advanced form of gene therapy .
15 The Labour Party have published the first of a series of papers showing their commitment to the craft industry .
16 And a report that a Polish plane has conducted the first ever direct evacuation from Kuwait of a hundred refugees , have further raised hopes here .
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