Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] be taken [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 What is ethologically implausible about Ullman 's hypotheses is not that they involve some ( unconscious ) knowledge about material objects and normal viewing conditions , but rather that they assume the perception of rigid objects to be basic , while perception of non-rigid movement is taken to be a more complex special case .
2 Rather , because the public interest is taken to be the root of corporate legitimacy , compliance with whatever ‘ social responsibility ’ demands is seen as a pre-requisite , a defining condition , for the possession of power .
3 In the former , to a first approximation , the initial amount of radiocarbon in an organic sample is taken to be that in the atmosphere now , but many adjustments are made to this assumption as will be seen below .
4 An authoritarian stance is taken to be evidence of the younger staffs lack of experience of the harsh realities of industrial and agricultural life which has denied them the appreciation of the ‘ insider ’ .
5 The growth of the spherulites may occur in one , two , or three dimensions and the rate of radial growth is taken to be linear at any temperature .
6 In the case of narrative syntax this basic unit is taken to be the clause which is in turn composed of a subject and a predicate .
7 The second period mean of the vacancy-wage distribution is taken to be the same as the first period mean adjusted for wage growth and inflation in the economy as a whole .
8 On this theory one year of healthy life is taken to be worth 1 .
9 This black hole is taken to be a neutral non-rotating black hole ( Schwarzschild black hole ) .
10 The total perimeter was then taken to be the sum of the outer shape with the inner shape perimeter , whilst the total area was taken to be the difference between the outer and inner areas .
11 An extreme event was taken to be any event in a geophysical system displaying relatively high variance from the mean .
12 In this book the essential difference is taken to be that an objective must be quantitative in terms of results and time , while a goal may be less rigorously specified .
13 The amount of total inorganic bromine was taken to be a linear function of the amount of total inorganic chlorine constrained by high-latitude measurements .
14 As will become clear , this claim is crucial to the development of the Report 's strategy , given that the rise of modern industrial society is taken to be a major progenitor of contemporary " accidental and conventional " social and cultural divisions .
15 When included , the inner shape was taken to be a hole or cut out in the total shape .
16 Statistical significance was taken to be p < 0.05 .
17 Statistical significance was taken to be 0.05 .
18 Although , as we have said , applicability of a property is not part of our descriptive apparatus as such , in Chapter 3 we shall point out that there is an inevitable consequence of the occurrence of assignment of qualification , namely that the qualifying property is taken to be valid for the entity qualified , by contrast with the case where qualification occurs alone .
19 The thought that the world might have been different in a certain respect is taken to be the thought that there is a possible world which does differ from the actual world in that respect ( and probably others too ) .
20 Where differences in the patches were observed , the chi-square significance test was applied : a statistically significant result was taken to be at the 95 per cent level of confidence ( p=0.05 ) .
21 The relative confidence is taken to be ( R-R' ) / R
22 If the annual quantity of net deployed within all North Pacific fisheries in a 6-month season is taken to be 3–5 million k ( about 2–3 million miles ) , the total possible deaths of marine mammals would be about 100,000–181,500 .
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