Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] be the [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And even for the novel , closure at a single , uninterrupted sitting is the exception rather than the rule .
2 Careful speed is the essence now .
3 This is where the action is and where social mobility is the norm rather than the exception .
4 This predominantly one-directional social mobility was the pattern up until the quadrupling of oil prices in the winter of 1973 — 4 , an event which , for the purposes of this book , is accepted as marking the end of the post-war period in Britain .
5 Much bargaining is tacit and informal , but at times it may become formalized into tripartite arrangements involving government , unions and enterprise management ; a rare example in the British context was the drawing up of the 1974 ‘ Plan for Coal ’ ( Burgi 1985 ) .
6 As such , knowledge of each person 's personal experience is the field where the treasure of Jesus christ will be ‘ discovered ’ .
7 ‘ We work with other bodies in the province — joint action is the way forward , ’ she said .
8 Lewis Carroll possibly knew of this phrase but , because he refers to the grin outlasting the rest of the body , it is more likely that his real influence was the cheese rather than the swordsman .
9 Strictly speaking , Freud 's view was that any individual superego is the internalization not of their parents as such , but of their parents ' superego .
10 Researchers believe that the formation of chlorine nitrate in the global stratosphere is the reason why the ozone depletion potential of chlorine is not as great as was originally feared on the worldwide scale .
11 At the end of a corridor of panelled mahogany was the boardroom where the black-bearded Paul and his clean-shaven , white-faced brother , Albert , awaited me .
12 A second and more important ergonomic feature is the indentation directly above the tacker nose .
13 Yeats ’ father had the living here — that white building is the rectory where he lived . ’
14 The emaciated corpse is the form most frequently adopted .
15 D1500 was an obvious choice being the pioneer too .
16 Five-year , full-time education is the norm almost world-wide , however it is organised , and the present levels of funding have already seen a drastic reduction of staffing levels in the schools .
17 In the UK the leading effect of international investment is the presence here of foreign TNCs ' factories , of which the most prominent and well established remain those of US origin .
18 In the Declaration they stressed that ‘ participatory communication between the leadership and the people is a prerequisite to a just and democratic social order in which effective accountability is the norm rather than the exception . ’
19 We realise also that a participatory communication between the leadership and the people is a prerequisite to a just and democratic social order in which effective accountability is the norm rather than the exception .
20 What seems to be of primary importance is the gentleness not only of the scene , but of the forces that surround the child , and himself .
21 A major initiative was the setting up of a degree course in Church Planting and Evangelism at Spurgeon 's College .
22 It is not always easy to directly compare the interest rates between different lenders because of differences in the way the charges are calculated — a good guide is the APR rather than the basic rate — and always bear in mind the possible arrangement or setting up fees !
23 The major impact was the break up of the family unit .
24 Again , a healthy example is the instruction commonly given to sufferers from alcoholism : " Do n't drink , read the book , work the steps , get a " sponsor , go to meetings " .
25 While the primary virtue is the ability efficiently to get results , the dependence of senior staff on the man in the field for a continuous supply of information also places a premium on his knowledge .
26 A good viewpoint is the cemetery where a tombstone , above a jagged cliff , bears the name of Miss Turner .
27 Owen Pickard got the goal … one-one the final score … the only black spot was the sending off of Richard Jones …
28 The last has for a long time been the argument most favoured by political theorists .
29 Its key tenets are : 1 The customer comes first : The first and most important characteristic of total quality is the search continually to meet , and even exceed , the customer 's demands and expectations .
30 Heads adopting a ‘ chief teacher ’ or ‘ team leader ’ role tended to be more visible and accessible to staff , especially in respect of their need for support and advice on everyday teaching problems : their physical base was the classroom as much as , or more than , the office .
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