Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [was/were] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The problem with the old board was that it did not innovate and did not concern itself with exporting English hops .
2 If one interpretation of the social contract was that it promised the development of the ‘ social wage ’ of state benefits and services in exchange for sacrifice on the side of wages and salaries , this became increasingly problematic after the government turned to the International Monetary Fund to help finance the balance of payments and bolster the pound .
3 The original conception of the public corporation was that it had only to be given its ‘ marching orders ’ by the political authority and could then be left to pursue the ‘ national interest ’ as management saw fit ( SCNI 1968 : 34 ) .
4 To Nicholas , the only immediate benefit of that wholly unpleasant discussion was that it shut up both le Grant and Tobie ; and even Astorre , when found and brought to the villa , was unnaturally silent except on matters purely martial .
5 One advantage of the appalling route was that it offered no temptation to diverge from it — since I could not see where I was going anyway , the only thing to do was to follow the compass , and I had waded ditches as I came to them instead of attempting to find easier crossing places .
6 The real clincher was that it made better tea and beer than the pump muck .
7 The crucial weaknesses of the South Korean army on the eve of the Korean War were that it lacked the range and quality of the equipment possessed by the North Korean forces and that the leadership of the North Korean army was inspired by a fanaticism unequalled by those fighting for Syngman Rhee .
8 The beauty of Indirect Rule was that it created an administrative situation in which personal influence was , in theory at any rate , the administrator 's only resource .
9 The large catch was that it had to be done quickly and with no capital expenditure on new equipment .
10 The conclusions of one other major research was that it had substantial social implication of personal family in community lives so these papers were discussed in great detail .
11 The major difference was that it did not operate in a context of contest .
12 Plato 's main ( if misguided ) objection to traditional art was that it represented only the limited reality of the empirical world .
13 If anyone did , the logical explanation was that it had fallen off .
14 One reason why the Peace Ballot was able to attract such enormous support was that it brought the LNU off the political fence .
15 One of the main problems for the subject in the inter-war period was that it became increasingly identified as a status quo subject .
16 Subjective reports on the effects of reduced sleep were that it produced a chronic feeling of sleepiness ( as measured by the Stanford Sleepiness Scale questionnaire ) , and , perhaps not surprisingly , increased the feeling of needing more sleep .
17 The important thing was that it took people 's minds away from national policies .
18 The important thing was that it go forward only with the element of surprise .
19 Her only excuse was that it had happened so quickly — too quickly .
20 The only difference was that it said Phd at the end of it
21 The general opinion was that it had fizzled out ; like a spent squib , it had n't even given one burst .
22 His only comment was that it took work to be a politician : ‘ I 'd get caught out . ’
23 The only problem was that it did n't work out quite as we were expecting it to …
24 Though there were some criticisms of the new technology , the general consensus was that it had improved the quality of the jobs people did .
25 He had inherited from Walter Luff an undertaking whose proud boast was that it had contributed £454,361 in rate relief during his management .
26 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
27 Rain said nothing , reflecting that the odd thing was that it had taken Sabine Jourdain so long to outgrow her need of that relationship .
28 But the odd thing was that it did n't fill me with the slightest sense of humility or feelings about the separateness and ‘ otherness ’ of nature , but with sheer , shouting joy at sharing that old world on a new morning with my wild Scots kinfolk .
29 One of the problems perceived in Dr Ting 's autocratic management was that it does not endear him to the more easy-going American physicists ; and there were few large American institutions taking part in L* .
30 In half an hour it would be time to take her loaves out of the oven : the only drawback to her new business was that it meant getting up early every single morning of the year .
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