Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] that it [is] " in BNC.

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1 To represent the dependence of the world upon God it is a classic error to suggest that it is like a car that requires an initial shove down the street and thereafter runs of its own accord .
2 The first stage in analysing the records is to scrutinize each individual record to ensure that it is in order , fully complete , and that any noticeable errors are corrected where possible .
3 Ring up the amount , as for a cash purchase , but press the appropriate button to record that it is a cheque transaction .
4 Although the Ehrenreichs define the professional-managerial class in terms of the functions it performs for capitalism , they also advance empirical evidence to show that it is a distinct grouping within the stratification system .
5 I would say it 's gone up 100 per cent , where before there was a logical argument to say that it 's negligible , that argument no longer exists ; it is not negligible , it is there , it is upon us now , and it is likely to er lead to considerable er hazard for our civilian population and civilian populations of all NATO countries if we do not address it .
6 There is good reason to argue that it is .
7 Of course , this is possible but there is good reason to suppose that it is not the case .
8 At 32 , the actor turned producer-director has proved that he has the clout to raise money for stage and screen and the artistic talent to ensure that it 's well spent .
9 There is considerable evidence to show that it is partnerships between the various departments of local authorities , voluntary agencies and the police working together which are most likely to curb crime and improve the quality of life in c in local communities .
10 For example , it is becoming increasingly necessary for much proposed new development to ensure that it is mentioned in the local plan .
11 The fundamental flaw in Maxwell Fyfe 's directive is that , though it is admirable in theory , there is no supervisory machinery to ensure that it is carried out .
12 A speaker may decide to present an element as given even when there is no sufficient reason to assume that it is in the addressee 's consciousness .
13 Although some regard competitor analysis as a subcomponent of environmental scanning , it is probably advisable to identify it as a separate and distinct analytical effort to insure that it is given the strategic priority and management attention it requires .
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