Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [subord] it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But earlier this month , the PAC appeared to have abandoned armed struggle when it agreed to attend next month 's renewed multi-party constitutional talks .
2 The prosecution alleges that , to justify the shooting , the soldiers said they opened fire on a stolen car after it had struck one of their patrol .
3 The weight of the lorry , see the lorry weighs something itself so its total weight when it 's got its load on is eight hundred plus a hundred times the number of engines on it .
4 Mr Malcolm Rifkind , Secretary of State for Transport , said the Conservatives had no plans to privatise passenger services run by British Rail though it did propose privatising the freight service .
5 That idea raises three interlinked questions , answers to which should enlarge our understanding of social change as it has affected family relationships .
6 expected over the next four months it 's nevertheless from a reasonably high level because it 's done well so far erm and I would n't want to over stress the sense in which Wales is perhaps not doing as well as the others .
7 Joshua , seven , landed the pike following a five minute fight after it had taken a dead dace to 15 lb line .
8 Therefore we have a control mechanism to bring down blood-sugar level when it begins to reach unhealthy peaks .
9 Obesity appears to be related to cultural practice as it varies according to class .
10 Executive Support Manager Allan Paterson looks back over the TOP Programme as it has progressed at Hunterston and considers some of its achievements .
11 Older people often give up sexual intercourse because it has become painful .
12 His first experiences of combat are limited skirmishes , but eventually the platoon is involved in a full-scale battle as it tries to block the path of the North Vietnamese 141st Regiment .
13 It would be a much lesser work if it had swerved towards either extreme .
14 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
15 Using early documentary evidence , Olive Geddes guides the reader expertly through the first four centuries of the sport , shedding light on its birth , the techniques and equipment used , and above all , its social standing as it began to develop from an outlawed activity to the world 's most internationally popular game .
16 Peter Costain , chief executive , admitted that the company had followed the wrong strategy when it continued to buy into commercial property at the peak of the market .
17 For them , the survey embodied the scientific method because it sought to make basic observations of the phenomena of interest and out of this formulate generalisations .
18 The reaction of the audience was enthusiastic , and the play continued to be a popular success after it had opened at the Lyric Theatre in London on 16 September , ( Henry Sherek had again wanted to take the play first to New York , but Eliot vetoed the idea ) .
19 In all cases where the Speedboat Clause applies it should be given careful consideration as it does limit the extent of cover appreciably .
20 The very thing for which the bourgeoisie strove , profit , ceased to be an adequate motivation once it had brought sufficient wealth .
21 Despite such caveats , the deal looks sensible for BT , which should reassure the British government as it prepares to sell a third tranche of shares in the partly state-owned company .
22 It must have been a popular book as it had gone to five editions by 1656 , and twenty-four editions by 1744 .
23 It was an arena perfectly adapted to pomp and circumstance and was to witness many subsequent celebrations of the successes of the English nation as it grew to become a dominant world power .
24 If a country 's exchange rate is generally thought to be overvalued , however , then the central bank concerned would face heavy losses of foreign currency if it attempted to maintain the exchange rate at its current value .
25 Barry and me had an almost mystical rapport when it came to stuff like this .
26 Erm yeah if er you have no objection , what it 's for is the , there 's this outfit called the British National Corpus and they 're trying to make a record of English Language as it 's used in the late twentieth century erm so it 's a sort of resource for further scholarship so it can assist in writing dictionaries and studying grammar and , and all sorts of things like that and erm they 're attempting to tape conversations from all over the place erm er I 've got a bit of bumph about it , it 's quite interesting erm and in some cases it 's sort of out of erm er it 's out of people 's homes , it 's out of broadcasts , it 's out of meetings , it 's out of all sorts of things erm at work and at home erm
27 Various other places too , so they get a good idea of the English language as it 's spoken in the nineteen nineties .
28 An SBU with high capital intensity could well be at an early stage of its product life-cycle , when one would expect it to be building up its investment relative to sales and also experiencing low profitability as it fights to establish itself in the market .
29 As the largest single party in the upper chamber , however , the LDP could have commanded an overall majority if it had secured the support of Komeito .
30 Sinful acts are not Bauthumley 's concern as such , but it is not difficult to see why The Light and Dark Sides of God was regarded as a dangerous work when it appeared to undermine Christian certainties : ‘ I have made God mutable as my self . ’
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