Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb past] give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those long years in junior command had given him an intimacy with the poilu denied to most of the other French chiefs , and because of his low rank in 1914 he knew — unlike Haig and Joffre — very well what wounded men looked like .
2 Turned out that some well-meaning wally had given it a tankful of unleaded two-star .
3 Her background was a few rungs up from the Jenkinses and that elementary social fact helped to give her a poise in the face of his ever-increasing sureness .
4 Genoa boasted a powerful ancient landed nobility whose surplus wealth helped to give it the capital for its commercial enterprises ; but it also needed to import food and raw materials from elsewhere , and enjoyed a powerful economic motive for becoming a centre of commerce .
5 Napoleon III in his capacity as sovereign had great personal dignity as well as charm , but as an individual his knowledge of human beings and their behaviour set him apart from other European monarchs , whose more cloistered and conventional upbringing had given them a less perceptive outlook on people .
6 Their shared interests and their long , friendly relationship had given them a complete understanding of each other 's character , and this finally developed , after their wedding , into a love that nothing could destroy .
7 This was the same evening on which Johnson wryly said that now the Hanoverian King had given him a pension , he could hardly drink Stuart health with the wine thus bought .
8 He auditioned the song for the show and all went well , but on the night of the big gig itself , the Editor of CBS-TV Programming decided to give it the chop , fearing that the talking blues , which lampooned both the society and racism in general , might upset redneck viewers .
9 And our hero in his turn , felt despondent and fearful , for his little grey mentor had given him no instructions for this eventuality .
10 His decisive , no-nonsense manner had given him the reputation of being a good doctor , and this had been only slightly dented by one or two spectacularly wrong diagnoses .
11 He did not know that her vivid imagination had given her a convincing picture of Julia 's death .
12 Moira Griffin , of Edgecombe Drive , explained that the death of a homeless man had given her the idea of knitting for the people who use the hostel .
13 Joy 's strawberry blonde hair did give her the look of a shop window dummy but under all her rouge and lipstick she could be decisive .
14 A nurse taking him for a more experienced dresser had given him a gown and told him to go into the Burns Room .
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