Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Railways are politically very exposed because the service attracts so much public attention and because of the size of the state subsidy ( e.g. SCNI 1968 : 432 ) .
2 The Plowden Report recommended that ‘ Schools with an age range of 5–11 should usually have at least three classes , each covering two age ranges ’ , but by 1976 Lady Plowden , the chairman of the Committee producing the report , appeared to have altered her views , stating in a Border Television broadcast : ‘ Since the report I have come round to thinking that small country schools should be kept open because of the social value and because of the continuity of community involvement they provide . ’ )
3 It would be dead easy to reform the CAP at our farmers ' expense and simply shovel the money across to other farmers , which appears to be the Labour party 's proposal , but we do not share that view ; we must ensure that it is a balanced proposal and that in the United Kingdom , where we have efficient agriculture , the efficient farmer has a long-term future .
4 The nuclear programme , because of its sudden appearance and because of the passions it arouses , has encountered its greatest obstacle in people .
5 Even if there is , it will not be legally enforceable under English law because there will be no valuable consideration and because under the so-called rule in Milroy v. Lord ‘ there is no equity to perfect an imperfect gift . ’
6 imply a steady state system or over a long term and if over the long term the rate of addition of material to the sea is equalled by the rate of removal .
7 Since Alladice , the Divisional Court has accepted that access by a solicitor 's clerk to a detained person may be refused if the police believe that the clerk is ‘ not capable of providing advice , whether because of his appearance , age , his mental capacity or because of the police knowledge of him ’ .
8 It was as always a moment of terrible sorrow and because of the creaking conveyor cringing banality .
9 His misfortunes spurred Galt to write with renewed vigour and until near the end of his life his output was voluminous .
10 Last year 's results were lower because of the national postal strike and because of the pay increases , the Post Office said .
11 The inter-establishment variation in relative wages will be analysed as will be the decomposition of the differential in weekly pay into that in hourly pay and that in the number of hours worked per week .
12 All these aspects can be heard in Joe Turner 's rock 'n' roll classic , ‘ Shake , Rattle and Roll ’ ( Ex. 2.2 ) , where again , predictability is high , both within the specific song and as between the song and the general characteristics of the genre .
13 The so-called " success " rate of substitution therapy such as Antabuse for alcohol , Naltrexone for heroin and minor tranquillisers for almost anything whatever , is because the prescriber may not understand the concept of the Dry Drunk Syndrome or because of the fact that minor tranquillisers and many other psychotropic drugs are cross-addictive with all mood-altering chemicals .
14 Automatic fire fighting installations capable of achieving total control and extinguishment appear to be the only answer but because of the almost total reliance which must be placed on their automatic capability there appears to be a need for greater flexibility in use than totally automatic operation would provide , and particularly to ensure that an entire system is not rendered inoperative by some local effect .
15 Geomorphology has been categorized ( Chorley , 1978 ) as a meso-scale science and as in the case of the other earth sciences the extent to which it is realistic to extend geomorphological processes to the micro-scale is arguable , especially as the positivist view is no longer sustained in physics and other natural sciences .
16 Clearly if , if the fines were more that would help , but I do think now because of the consciousness of the general public and because of the involvement of the media in , in the environment , er that firms are not keen and the third parties , whoever they may be , are not keen to be fined in court for pollution , because public opinion is such that it 's very much disapproved of .
17 These rules stated that the economic world was Keynesian — equally in the sense that Keynes had explained the fundamental laws of economic motion and that in the process he had provided the prescriptions which would render high unemployment and stagnation as things of the past [ Posner , 1978 ] .
18 Kennan saw the USSR as an expansionist state both because of its crusading Marxist ideology and because of the traditional Russian suspicion of outsiders .
19 In Britain , however , because of ministerial responsibility and because of the suspicion that the appropriate ministry could do the job much better than a new , inexperienced board ( which usually has a lower calibre of staff ) , the ministries concerned have their own sections on tourism , forestry and the countryside which go over everything the board in question proposes , giving authorizations , suggestions or exercising a veto .
20 Thirdly , the Convention may be silent both as to the substance of a particular issue and as to the law by which it is to be determined , in which case it is a question of construction whether the Convention covers the point or merely leaves it to be dealt with under the law applicable under the conflicts rules of the forum .
21 There was a fundamental difference between Mannheim 's understanding of the status of knowledge and that of American functionalism but because of the respect for the ideas generated in the European tradition of sociology and the importance of the topic of ‘ knowledge ’ , the sociology of knowledge was incorporated into American sociology by what Stehr and Meja refer to as a process of ‘ normalization ’ ( Stehr and Meja 1984 : 6 ) .
22 He knew that kidnap and torture were a blatant violation of the Chilean military code and that under the same code he was entitled to register any reservations with a superior officer .
23 She had been afraid that his suggestion , when it came , would have been too fraught with the unknown his room , perhaps , or else , God knows , a naked nightclub but as for the cinema , she could cope with that .
24 A mirror formed the left-hand upper panel of the internal bulkhead and when on the South Met.
25 erm the advertisements themselves called a great caused a great furore because erm Tampax was a fairly new invention and because of the sexual and social mores of the time they were n't considered very nice .
26 The term has , however , wide application and because of the difficulties in isolating investment business as defined by the FSA , our policy is that all corporate finance work must be carried out in accordance with the ICAEW 's Recognised Professional Body ( ‘ RPB ’ ) rules for investment business .
27 This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched .
28 Management has not been insistent on displacing the permanent/temporary worker system with job seniority procedures ( i.e. first in/first out ) because of its own sense of paternalistic responsibility and because of the flexibility of operations afforded by the employment of temporary workers .
29 At Great Casterton I had suddenly discovered that this process held a hidden danger and that in the future this had to be avoided at all costs .
30 And this experience can be gained either by formal education and or on the job training .
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