Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For such a young player this is a tremendous achievement , ’ says Mavis , ‘ Claire has outstanding talent and she will now have a chance to compete against some of the best players in the world . ’
2 ‘ Sweetie , you are looking at an old moose who just ca n't figure out where he took the wrong trail and he 'll never get back up that hill again .
3 A treatment cream will then help you to improve the condition to an acceptable level and I would certainly try all of these methods conscientiously before even considering the much more serious courses of action — injections or surgery .
4 Sovereignty , homage and fealty , and the ‘ domainal liberties ’ of the Plantagenets , are sometimes considered in a theoretical light but they must also be put as firmly as possible into the more pragmatic context of Anglo-French relations .
5 Perhaps she should try a different club and she would certainly receive a warm welcome should she come to ours here in Maidenhead .
6 Traditional bonfire night fare will be served including hot dogs mushy peas and jacket potatoes and there 's also a licensed bar and you can even travel to the bonfire by steam train .
7 The immediate post-war years had been the last classic period of the film as social sermon and one can almost sense the relief as the studios discovered that social context did not need quite as much emphasis .
8 This is partly a question of social mobility but it may also be a response to the sort of repetitive jobs many of these people are performing .
9 Add in some fancy graduated tint backgrounds or some a scanned logo and you 'll really see the time tick by .
10 Technology is , however , not a neutral ‘ thing ’ that arises out of disinterested scientific inquiry and which must then be accommodated , responded to , decided about in the society .
11 Such a state of affairs would , of course , protect serious public discussion of matters of social importance but it would also debase much of the discussion of public affairs .
12 Even in the case of a screening programme ( when doing nothing is a real option ) some cases would be found even in the absence of any organised service and there would also be the costs of treating disease as and when it occurred .
13 We were met with cool efficiency by the English crew and I shall never forget my relief at the sight of them .
14 It 's an old bell and it might only have one good noise left in it .
15 Unless we can raise our production of goods , unless we can become more efficient and unless our manufacturing sector can become larger , there will be fundamental defects in the British economy and we will never get out of the recession .
16 ‘ We can only get things done if there is sufficient public clamour and we will only get that if the public is aware . ’
17 This is it , Middle Age , and it will go on like this for the next thirty-six years until , without any big deal , without even noticing probably , it will be Old Age and we 'll still be sitting here .
18 Old Bill and I would then work out how much paper would be required , in quires .
19 After a while people get tired of hearing the same old thing and they 'll eventually turn their back on it if they hear enough of it , and they 'll turn to something else — like rap .
20 Disablement Benefit is paid as a weekly pension but you will only be paid if you are assessed as at least 14 per cent disabled .
21 Mr. Walker : I shall convey the views expressed to the chairman of British Coal and I shall also examine , within the Welsh Office , the suggestion about smaller units employing fewer than 75 people and what economic impact that would have .
22 Just nerves ; I 'm a weepy female and I should probably be on valium , but fuck it , I 'm riding it out , you know ?
23 ‘ Our recruits will earn a good weekly salary and they 'll also be given quality training which should help their employment prospects in the long-term . ’
24 Twenty million of them dispossessed , twenty million told they now lived in a foreign country and they could never be Germans again , for ever more .
25 We 've been very careful not to be seen to be interfering or for anybody to think that we were going to tell groups how they would run their groups , because the groups are fairly autonomous and they pre-existed parish councils er , but a you know this is almost a direct invitation and we could actually respond to this in terms of an invitation and ask other groups if they would be interested in our respon in our going to , to visit them , rather than a surgery where maybe we 'd sit here and nobody would turn up .
26 Rises in extracellular neurotransmitter concentration may indicate increased synaptic release but they may also depend on non-synaptic release or diminished or ‘ reversed ’ uptake .
27 However , there is scope , in future years , should the Committee wish to develop the site , but I recognise the limited resources of the Civic Trust and I would only wish at this stage that the Trust continues to visit the site and also encourages and supports educational visits .
28 ‘ It was a first-past-the-post system and I can personally vouch for the result because I saw with my own eyes a clear majority for Prime Suspect . ’
29 ‘ It was a first-past-the-post system and I can personally vouch for the result because I saw with my own eyes a clear majority for Prime Suspect . ’
30 The costs involved in civil litigation are of the utmost importance to the parties — they may prevent an action ever being brought , they may render a victory in court Pyrrhic when damages are swallowed up in costs , they may prevent a meritorious appeal and they will always be a factor in the risk of litigation .
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