Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Hamish would take pity upon this sorry figure and give him the duffle-coat to keep himself warm .
2 He showed Mr Utterson the broken stick and told him the servant girl 's story .
3 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
4 All of this gives Dickens a very individual and interesting style and gives you the feeling that every episode is useful and vital in some way to the plot .
5 ‘ Rats , ’ I told him , but he opened the cover on the drain outside my back door and showed me the trap to stop rats climbing up .
6 A panel of experts decided Kate 's winning menu made the best use of French cheese and awarded her the top prize a Concorde flight to Paris for a supersonic celebration .
7 As Ken told John Lahr , author of the official Orton biography Prick Up Your Ears ( Lahr also edited the Orton diaries ) : ‘ He ( Orton ) had this capacity to have a sexual adventure and tell you the conversation that went on as well .
8 For example , let's say an old lady with a walking stick approaches you in the High Street and asks you the way to the nearest public toilets .
9 Will the Chancellor have a word with his Chief Secretary and tell him the facts of life , which are that the burden of taxation is much higher than it was in 1970 when the Labour party was in office ?
10 Shepherd poured the T'ang a fingernail 's measure of the dark liquid and handed him the ancient bowled glass .
11 And then , as she sat watching the dancers , Molly thought of something which made her shiver , so that Ken Corduroy , noticing it , thought she felt cold in the dark garden and offered her the sweater which , like so many of the older guests , he wore knotted about his neck .
12 Now , before speaking to that person , whether your boss or partner , ask your mentor to inspire you and to tell you the right time , to choose the right place and to give you the right words and the correct approach — and to help the other party accept what you have to say .
13 However , no amount of relationship building will replace hard work and accomplishing what the public relations campaign set out to do .
14 She heard that : — — Papa is grown stout and has need of bigger trousers but Mama cries he is more handsome than ever and so do I. I have little time my Lily to write because I am put to Latin with the Abbe which is sore hard work and gives me the headache .
15 So let's really all commit ourselves to the national raffle and make it the biggest and most successful raffle Save The Children has ever had .
16 The captain followed the direction of the American boy 's pointing finger for a moment , then lifted his left wrist and showed him the dial of his watch .
17 The committee carried out a range of fascinating research and confirmed what the public knew already , namely that the ham sandwiches available in motorway cafeterias had a tendency to be ‘ thin , tasteless ham in soggy bread ’ .
18 When Batty comes back , why not preserve the current formation and make him the fifth defender , seeing as Speed seems to revel in the central midfield .
19 Despite this fact , the Principality itself is still reluctant fully to recognize the importance of the Polytechnic 's contribution to advanced vocational education and to accord it the status it merits .
20 The council reinstated Tengiz Sigua ( who had resigned in August 1991 when Gamsakhurdia dismissed other senior ministers — see p. 38417 ) as acting Prime Minister and gave him the responsibility of forming a cabinet , which would assume power temporarily once the situation in the country had stabilized .
21 Reaching down under the counter he pulled out a flat bottle and showed me the label .
22 And it is this regular aerobic routine that speeds up the body by increasing its metabolic rate and gives it the ability to shed those extra pounds .
23 IT IS not a new idea to take an impressionable , imaginative girl and make her the saviour of a man on the run , providing food , warmth and emotional support .
24 It was a glittering prospect and gave him the courage to brush his hand against Eloise 's breast as he kissed her goodbye .
25 The energiser that interpenetrates the physical world and shows us the higher aspects of reality … ’
26 It supported a multi-party system and set itself the task of turning the CPSU into a parliamentary party .
27 I 'll have to wait until Bluebeard 's in a mellow mood and tell him the truth .
28 She took him to the far aisle and showed him the salt tablets .
29 Moreover , the pressure for regional aid was reduced by the effect of the export drive which stimulated even older industrial areas facing long-term decline and gave them the appearance of recovery .
30 They made me very welcome , then gave me a clean towel and showed me the showers .
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