Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adv] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Carried to their logical conclusion his theories meant that ( if he were right ) the attaque à outrance could be broken by a well-organised defence long before it reached the enemy .
2 ‘ My goodness me , was it really ? ’ he said laying on the Scottish accent so that it sounded more like Scotch by absorption rather than birth .
3 She watched him nervously and then he casually stretched up and removed his damp shirt so that it took all her powers , her resolutions , to appear composed in sight of his taut , powerful torso .
4 This would not arise if the universal conception were to be theoretically dominant in a social psychology which resembled a universal anthropology more than it did a historical social science .
5 To put this more concretely , there can be legitimate arguments about the nature , quality and function of a listener 's response to the actual sound and structure of , say , an Elvis Presley or Bing Crosby song ; what is not legitimate is to move this ‘ thrill ’ , however defined , bodily across the theoretical topography so that it sits wholly under the sign of commodity-fetishism .
6 In addition their captain Brian Smith persisted with his wayward goal-kicking long after it became apparent that he should pass the task to someone else .
7 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
8 In this fashion the outer world is admitted to the corpus of scientific knowledge only after it has , at least in theory , undergone the most rigorous scrutiny ; a scrutiny which is practically embodied in the use of external references by scientific journals .
9 The very work that solicitors are called to perform , which includes doing certain nasty things to people , can not be expected to make them universally popular , ; so the profession can retain public respect only if it observes high ethical standards , which not all practitioners do .
10 The honorary legal adviser to the Nationwide Festival of Light had criticised the deprave-and-corrupt test in The Daily Telegraph precisely because it had been so applied , arguing , in a plain man 's version of Lord Denning , that
11 It would be fun to have a little social life again and it occurred to her , too , that now she had come to live in Wellingham permanently , she must let as many people know as possible what she was trying to do at Moorlake .
12 And it ca n't by definition be about sexual liberation simply because it duplicates and exploits those same power relationships . ’
13 Set each item against a contrasting background so that it shows up clearly and lay a ruler alongside it to give a guide to its size .
14 Mrs Ardern vowed to keep open Speke 's closure-threatened Pope John Paul II High School even if it meant opting out of the control of the church .
15 It used to be considered that simulator specifications could only be proposed when the on-line system design had been completed but there are considerable advantages in developing the simulator before the on-line system so that it becomes a dynamic mock-up of the real situation .
16 This is a more generous protest even than it seems at first sight , for Jacob 's possessions include Esau 's birthright , and Isaac 's blessing that had been meant for him .
17 In general , regular exercise helps to lessen period pains as may vigorous exercise during the painful time especially if it mobilises the pelvic area .
18 As such , redevelopment may be in the public interest even if it conflicts with local policy .
19 Saltglazing involves introducing salt into the kiln at a very high temperature so that it volatilises and coats the clay .
20 A cool little breeze was blowing , and she shivered as it ran playfully over her heated skin and ruffled the long strands of her silvery hair so that it spilled like spun gold down her back , tangling with the lace .
21 He muttered something unrepeatable under his breath and wiped an exhausted hand upwards over his forehead , a distraught gesture which ruffled the short dark hair so that it stood on end .
22 Although there was a break in the snowfall , the wind still blew fiercely from the north , moaning round the house and whipping up the fallen snow so that it skimmed across the fields like fine powder , piling up in deep drifts where its progress was interrupted by hedgerows .
23 Inveterate trafficker in traffic systems Peek Plc told its annual meeting yesterday that it saw signs of a trading upturn in March : ‘ Although trading conditions in the first two months of the current year continued to be difficult , we have seen signs of improvement in March — there is currently a significant amount of enquiry and bidding activity and it is expected that this will translate into firm orders , ’ chairman Ken Maud said .
24 We are confident that IBM is indeed primarily interested in the morphing business even as it metamorphoses itself into a new and presumably reinvigorated enterprise .
25 Constitutional authorities are critical of the established constitution precisely because it has somehow allowed , and not limited , the emergence of the pattern of party politics and state intervention which they regard as so disastrous for Britain and her economy .
26 Know the subject inside out , putting in that extra effort even if it means reading late and waking early .
27 States formulate their policies in a moral language only when it suits them and only in whatever form best cloaks and serves their interests .
28 Nevertheless , the tendon developed in the right place even though it had no muscle to which it could attach .
29 That shoulder obviously still him a problem he seems to be holding it a little bit awkwardly as it comes in to Speedy now .
30 So basically it 's like a little computer there and it reads your handwriting basically on your little electropad there .
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