Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun pl] for [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 The sale of council houses and flats , the soaring costs of capital projects in the 1980s , the loss of accommodation provided directly by employers ( for example , farmers and hoteliers ) , the increasing need for single-person or small-number occupancy dwellings for young people and small family units , have all added to the numbers of people without a home of their own .
2 The widely used British Rail concessions for older people fill coaches during off-peak hours and throughout the special fare month , November — a month when fewer journeys are normally made .
3 Thomson has taken the issue further , arguing that many twentieth-century writers on social welfare issues have been misled into believing that recent developments represent an abrupt break with historical experience because of the peculiarly restrictive and individualistic support systems for elderly people that emerged in the late Victorian period .
4 Some 90 per cent of the adviser 's time is spent on medical appeal tribunals and reviews of Department of Social Security benefits for disabled people .
5 The maximum social security payments for older people living in residential care homes are lower than for younger , physically handicapped people .
6 The statutory responsibilities of social service authorities for elderly people cover three main areas of provision , residential accommodation , domiciliary services and protective powers for those most vulnerable .
7 General social welfare provisions for elderly people are enacted in the Health and Person Social Services Act 1977 .
8 In addition to these hospital services for those with severe behaviour disorders , there is a huge , private ‘ cottage industry ’ of proprietors running nursing homes and residential care homes for elderly people with dementia .
9 Travel : The great beyond Richard Snailham surveys organised adventure schemes for young people
10 First , spending on residential care in private sector homes for elderly people through the social security budget was rising at an exponential rate and was to all intents and purposes out of control , being demand led .
11 We 're also in a better position to negotiate individual care packages for Chinese people .
12 Further away , breathing the fine particulates deposited from the smoke plumes caused severe acute and chronic health problems for many people because the fine particles penetrated deep into the lungs , leading to bronchitis and breathing problems , particularly amongst the elderly and young children .
13 The recent localisation of a hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer gene to chromosome 2 provides confirmation of a genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer within certain families and may allow the introduction of effective screening programmes for these people .
14 Elderly people have not been singled out for special consideration either , but for quite a different reason : their needs are broadly the same as those of younger adults , and specialist mental health services for elderly people are now developing all over the country as a direct response to the enormous growth in the numbers of people with dementia .
15 The Nianias report on European Commission proposals for older people calls on the commission to conduct investigations into discriminatory practices on the grounds of age and initiate action to bring about equal treatment for elderly people .
16 She then moved into psychiatry , setting up physical exercise units for elderly people before ending up , six years ago , as a senior adviser in the Disability Living Foundation .
17 The use of continuing care beds for elderly people is being more closely scrutinised than ever as a result of the changing NHS culture .
18 Looking at the short-term future , the government 's response to the Social Policy Research Unit 's Social Fund research is awaited , as is the DSS review of severe hardship payments for young people .
19 small starter homes for younger people
20 The building industry has been cashing in by providing sheltered housing schemes for elderly people , there is a whole holiday industry built around holidays for the elderly and more and more private nursing homes are springing up .
21 Although there are some marvellous cookery books for single people — Delia Smith 's ‘ One is Fun ’ is a good example — I have always found that the trick is not to cook for one , but to cook for four , or whatever the recipe you are following suggests , and to freeze the rest for further meals .
22 There are those for ( Horrocks 1982 ) and against ( Evans 1983 ) the establishment of age-related specialist services for elderly people .
23 High-level ozone is a life saver because it screens out the UVB ; but low-level ozone is a serious pollutant , causing respiratory and other health problems for many people .
24 One of the tasks of the project is to develop informal care networks , community , local neighbourhood networks for these people .
25 It also means providing a range of creative leisure opportunities for young people .
26 When the Victorian vicarage at Thrush Green burnt down , it was replaced by a set of one-storey retirement homes for old people .
27 Some pools run special swimming groups for older people ( who may prefer to swim when there are no youngsters around ) , and adult classes for those who have never learnt to swim .
28 Those services had been first transformed — by ambitious attempts to prevent family breakdown in the early 1960s , and to absorb juvenile delinquents into the public care system at the end of the decade — and then merged with local authority services for elderly people and people with disabilities in 1971 .
29 Local government services for black people had been developed in the context of urban deprivation ( page 218 ) with the implication that black people constituted a ‘ problem ’ requiring additional specific provision such as language tuition .
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